Key Exchange with Tight (Full) Forward Secrecy via Key Confirmation
2024年4月28日 · Inspired by GGJJ, we propose a new notion, called one-way verifiable weak forward secrecy (OW-VwFS), and prove that OW-VwFS can be transformed tightly to FS using key confirmation in the random oracle model (ROM). To implement our generic transformation, we show that several tightly wFS AKE protocols additionally satisfy our OW-VwFS notion tightly.
Weak forward secrecy (wFS) of authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocols is a pas-sive variant of (full) forward secrecy (FS). A natural mechanism to upgrade from wFS to FS is the use of key confirmation messages which compute a message authentication code …
AKE from KEM - CSDN博客
2024年12月24日 · 利用多种手段,可以把被动安全的 KE 协议增强为 AKE 协议,具体可分为 **Explicit AKE** 以及 **Implicit AKE**,前者使用额外的 Sign 和 MAC 针对 KE 的对话消息做认证,后者则是仅使用 KE 协议本身。
We give a generic construction of an implicitly authenticated two-message AKE protocol AKE wFS with weak forward security from any NCKE scheme, whose security is tightly based on the multi-user
2024年1月1日 · 然而,身份验证密钥交换(ake)协议中存在的弱前向保密性(wfs)问题一直是研究领域中的难题。 如何提升wFS到完整前向保密性(FS)一直是学术界探讨的焦点。
3/ 28 Weak vs. Full Forward Secrecy Forward secrecy: Previous session keys remain secure even when long-term keys are leaked later corrupts #$ time
Two-Message Authenticated Key Exchange from Public-Key …
2024年1月12日 · In this paper, we solve the open problem with a generic construction of two-message AKE from any CCA-secure Tagged Key Encapsulation Mechanism (TKEM). Our AKE supports state reveal and achieves IND-AA security.
Weak forward secrecy (wFS) of authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocols is a passive variant of (full) forward secrecy (FS). A natural mechanism to upgrade from wFS to FS is the use of key confir-mation messages which compute a message authentication code (MAC) over the transcript.
Worldwide Flight Services
2023年6月2日 · The latest WFS facility is equipped with electric forklift vehicles to support WFS’ strong sustainability focus as well as solar panels and EV chargers. It is also fitted with a three-tier AKE storage racking system to optimise its handling capacity and an automated bypass system.
2023年6月2日 · Worldwide Flight Services (WFS), a member of the SATS Group, has increased its cargo capacity at Chicago O’Hare International Airport by more than 10% to over 310 million kilos a year with the opening of a further cargo terminal.