HKG - Worldwide Flight Services
“WFS is the largest ground handling provider at JFK, providing cargo handling, passenger and express services to more than 40 airlines.” Rinzing Wangyal / VP Cargo Business …
Worldwide Flight Services
We offer services for Air Cargo, Ground Handling and specialist needs. SATS-WFS has a strong presence across a combined network of over 215 locations. Find your nearest station. Check out our latest news articles, blog posts and more. Worldwide Flight Services (WFS) are a global, world-leading air cargo, passenger & ground handling organisation.
Worldwide Flight Services - wfs.aero
2018年8月2日 · Worldwide Flight Services (WFS) has been recognized as the ‘Best Company for Customer Focus’ in Hong Kong International Airport’s (HKIA) 20th Anniversary Awards to honour outstanding individuals, teams and companies for service excellence, and to encourage the airport community to continuously pursue exceptional customer service.
Worldwide Flight Services Holding S.A. - JetQuay
At Hong Kong International Airport, WFS is the exclusive provider of Ancillary Passenger Services authorized by Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) to provide a range of concierge services including VIP meet & greet services, electric buggy services, packing services and …
WFS招聘_全球航空服務先鋒:Worldwide Flight Services Holding …
wfs專注於空運處理和技術地面服務,數十年來一直為航空業、機場、貨運代理和企業客戶提供無縫、高效且安全的支持。 作為SATS集團的一部分,WFS致力於提供優質解決方案,同時優先考慮安全、效率和可持續性。
Worldwide Flight Services Holding S.A - HKESE
The WFS Group with its headquarters in France is one of the world’s largest Transportation and the leading airport passenger services provider in Hong Kong.
Operating on five continents, WFS serves over 350 airlines at over 140 airports. The company also provides a broad range of terminal and ancillary services to airport authorities, including management and operation of baggage handling systems, intoplane fuelling, technical services and PRM operations.
Worldwide Flight Services - wfs.aero
2021年5月17日 · Worldwide Flight Services’ (WFS) commitment to aviation safety has been recognised by Airport Authority Hong Kong with two HKIA Safety Excellence Awards for its fueling and baggage handling services.
Worldwide Flight Services receives two airport contracts in Asia
2022年12月7日 · Ground handling services provider Worldwide Flight Services (WFS ) has secured contracts at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and for the CIP terminal at Changi Airport (SIN), Singapore. At HKIA, WFS will provide baggage handling services on behalf of the Airport Authority Hong Kong for three years, beginning in January next year.
Worldwide Flight Services wins BHS and CIP terminal contracts at …
2022年12月9日 · Worldwide Flight Services (WFS) has won baggage handling services (BHS) contracts at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and at Changi Airport in Singapore. In Hong Kong, WFS will commence its baggage handling responsibilities on behalf of the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) in January 2023 at the start of a three-year contract.