WGS 84 / UTM zone 48S - EPSG:32748
2022年12月12日 · Scope: Navigation and medium accuracy spatial referencing. Area of use: Between 102°E and 108°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and …
Zona UTM Indonesia (Peta Zone Universal Transverse Mercator)
Berikut adalah peta pembagian Zona UTM Indonesia dan disajikan juga Daftar Zone Universal Transverse Mercator ibu kota provinsi dan kabupaten di wilayah Indonesia dalam bentuk …
DMAP: UTM Grid Zones of the World
There are 60 longitudinal projection zones numbered 1 to 60 starting at 180°W. Each of these zones is 6 degrees wide, apart from a few exceptions around Norway and Svalbard. There are …
WGS 72 / UTM zone 48S - EPSG:32348
EPSG:32348 Projected coordinate system for Between 102°E and 108°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Engineering survey, topographic mapping.
DGN95 / UTM zone 48S - EPSG:23878
Replaces ID74 / UTM zone 48S. Engineering survey, topographic mapping. EPSG:23878 Projected coordinate system for Indonesia - south of equator and between 102°E and 108°E - …
EPSG:32748 - WGS 84 / UTM zone 48S - proj-forge.com
Data Source: EPSG v11.022 2024-11-05. Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble. Coordinate System: cartesian. Projection: UTM zone 48S. Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
EPSG:32748 WGS 84 / UTM zone 48S -- Spatial Reference
2024年12月2日 · Scope: Navigation and medium accuracy spatial referencing. Area: Between 102°E and 108°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. …
Zona Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Indonesia - GISPEDIA
Dari informasi diatas, sebagai contoh Provinsi Aceh berada di zona UTM 46N dan 47N,Provinsi DKI Jakarta berada di 48S, Provinsi Bali berada pada zona 50S. dengan mengetahui …
EPSG:32548 WGS 72BE / UTM zone 48S -- Spatial Reference
2024年12月2日 · Scope: Engineering survey, topographic mapping. Area: Between 102°E and 108°E, southern hemisphere between 80°S and equator, onshore and offshore. Axes: Easting, …
中国行政区划WGS84投影坐标系shp格式边界数据,主要包含两个文件,分别是全国边界及各省行政边界。 本数据坐标系为WGS84投影坐标系,即经纬度。 为shp格式的线数据,包括属性数 …