Official Website Wave-Gotik-Treffen Leipzig
largest gothic festival on this planet - Wave-Gotik-Treffen, Leipzig Germany
Official Website Wave-Gotik-Treffen Leipzig
Also this year, we will only announce bands which are confirmed 100% in written form for the Wave-Gotik-Treffen. So, check back often... For more information about the confirmed artists, take a look at their official webpages here; Last change: 2025-03-14
Wave-Gotik-Treffen - Wikipedia
The Wave-Gotik-Treffen (WGT; German for "Wave Gothic Meeting") is an annual world festival for "dark" music and "dark culture" in Leipzig, Germany. 150+ bands and artists from various backgrounds (gothic rock, EBM, industrial, noise, darkwave, neo-folk, neo-classical and medieval music being examples) play at several venues throughout the city ...
Official Website Wave-Gotik-Treffen Leipzig
WGT takes place at about 50 different venues at the same time, spread all over the city of Leipzig. You can find a list of all WGT venues under „Information“ > Locations on this website. Wristbands. WGT tickets have to be exchanged upon arrival for a WGT wristband which allows you access to all official WGT events.
Wave Gotik Treffen | Sadgoth
Wave Gotik Treffen (WGT) is without doubt the best Gothic Festival you will ever attend, not just for the 200+ bands that will play but because we quite literally take over the city of Leipzig, 20-30 thousand Goths invade the city and the wonderful citizens and businesses of the city accept us and go out of their way to make us feel at home
Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2025: Leipzig Guide and Festival Guide
2025年3月20日 · The Wave-Gotik-Treffen will take place from May 17th to 20th, 2024. All information about the festival and many useful Leipzig tips about the WGT can be found here.
Wave-Gotik-Treffen Leipzig 2025: alle Infos und Insidertipps
2024年4月10日 · In Leipzig findet jedes Jahr ein Festival der eher ungewöhnlichen Sorte statt: das Wave-Gotik-Treffen oder “WGT“, größtes Gothic-Festival der Welt – und eins meiner Lieblingsfestivals. Dann strömen 20.000 Gothics und Anhänger*innen anderer dunkel-alternativer Stilrichtungen ins schöne Leipzig und färben die Stadt für ein ...
WGT - Who is Playing? - sadgoth
WGT - Who is Playing? Welcome to the WGT 2025 Band Genre list...here we will keep a running commentary of officially announced bands together with their Genre (this will allow you to go and check out bands with a similar sound to those that you like, and hopefully help you to navigate through the vast amount of bands that will be announced)...
WGT - WHAT IS IT? - sadgoth
Wave Gotik Treffen or WGT (pronounced Ve-Ge-Te) is a Gothic Festival that occurs in Leipzig, Germany every year. It's the biggest (and I would say 'the best') event that occurs in the global Gothic calendar.
Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2025 in Leipzig: Konzerte, Tickets
4 天之前 · Leipzig wird wieder dunkelbunt Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2025: Konzerte, Tickets, Anfahrt und mehr Infos zum 32. WGT im Überblick. Gothic-Fans aufgepasst: Zum 32. Mal findet das weltgrößte Festival der "Schwarzen Szene" in Leipzig statt. Beim Wave-Gotik-Treffen werden wieder internationale Bands und Besucher aus der ganzen Welt erwartet.