WKF D.I - Wikipedia
The WFK D.I (series 85) was a fighter aircraft built in Austria-Hungary in the final months of World War I.
World karate Federation | WKF
Learn everything you need to know about Karate's Olympic debut and the WKF's Olympic campaign: #KarateSpirit. The World Karate Federation (WKF), the Koyamada International Foundation (KIF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) have joined forces to launch the Guardian Girls Global Karate Project.
WKF D.I - Flying Machines
Весной 1918 года на небольшом венском авиазаводе "Винер Кароссерие Флюгцойгфабрик" (WKF), строившем по лицензии истребители "Оэффаг", был разработан истребитель собственной конструкции под 230-сильный мотор "Иеронимус".
WKF D.1 | Hangar 47
The WKF D.I (series 85) was a fighter aircraft built in Austria-Hungary in the final months of World War I. In the spring of 1918, at Wiener Karoseserie Flugzoygfabrik (WKF), a small Viennese aircraft factory which had built the Oeffag fighters under license, engineers drew up an original design for a fighter around the 230-hp Hieronymus motor.
WKF Dr.I / 80.05 - Flying Machines
The WKF 80.05 was a triplane of clean design and excellent workmanship powered by a 200 hp Austro-Daimler engine. The upper two wings had ailerons. The original configuration is shown here. The 80.06 was a biplane derivative of the 80.05 and offered faster speed and climb rate.
世界空手道聯盟 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
世界空手道聯盟(英語: World Karate Federation ,縮寫:WKF)是空手道最大的國際管理組織,擁有191個會員國 [4] 。 旗下的主要比賽有 世界空手道錦標賽 ,它的總部設在 西班牙 首都 馬德里 。
世界空手道联盟 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
世界空手道联盟(英语: World Karate Federation ,缩写:WKF)是空手道最大的国际管理组织,拥有191个会员国 [4] 。 旗下的主要比赛有 世界空手道锦标赛 ,它的总部设在 西班牙 首都 马德里 。
WKF D.I | Military Wiki | Fandom
The WFK D.I (series 85) was a fighter aircraft built in Austria-Hungary in the final months of World War I. The KuKLFT placed an order for 48 D.Is. However, only two aircraft were delivered by the time of the Armistice, and the rest were finished in December 1918-January 1919.[1]
WKF - News
2025年1月14日 · Hangzhou’s recent history of hosting major karate competitions, including the 2023 Asian Championships and the karate events of the 2022 Asian Games, underscores its status as a premier destination for martial arts. The Hangzhou tournament will play a pivotal role in determining the season’s Grand Winners.
WKF D.I - Wikiwand
The WFK D.I (series 85) was a fighter aircraft built in Austria-Hungary in the final months of World War I.