Wn72 Vierville-sur-Mer le Casino - Atlantikwall
Wn72 Vierville-sur-Mer le Casino. Wn72 part of the group StP Vierville covering Vierville-sur-Mer and the D1 draw or valley running inland and the easiest way off the beach. The Germans defended this beach with its three Wn's, an 8.8cm Pak 43/41. One of the most powerful guns at the time and many many machine guns.
Wn72 Vierville-sur-Mer - NormandyBunkers
Wn72 is one of the few remaining bunker sites on Omaha Beach where you can still see one of the types of guns originally positioned here on D-Day. Tucked away inside the heavily fortified R677 casemate at the western end of Omaha Beach is one the most feared weapons of WW2 - the infamous 88mm Pak 43/41 gun.
Wn 72 strongpoint – Atlantic wall in Normandy - D-Day Overlord
The Wn 72 strongpoint is one of the four defensive points of the village of Vierville-sur-Mer. It is located at the northern entrance of the Vierville-sur-Mer valley and consists of a casemate type H677, a casemate with double embrasure for anti-tank guns and another casemate type SK for machine guns, as well as several shelters and tobrouks.
WN74, 73, 72 and 71 - (Omaha Beach) Normandy - YouTube
Subjects covered: The lack of information about WN74 and its Skoda guns WN73 - the mortar tobruks, the markings inside them, the trench system and the "Fortified House" WN72 - the R677 casemate...
法兰 WN50(B)-25 RF S=6 是什么意思。具体点 - 百度知道
2012年12月13日 · wn是带颈对焊法兰,50就是工程通径,也就是口径,内径,一般用dn表示,也就是dn50。 括号里面的B,就是说对焊法兰是B系列的,也就是管径是57,国标分A标和B标也就是说A系列和B系列。
German strongpoints in Normandy during operation Overlord
“ Wn” is the German abbreviation of Wiederstandnest, which literally means “nest of resistance”. In military terms, this is a strongpoint. This page allows you to discover the different strongpoints of the Atlantic Wall, between the mouth of the Orne to the east and La Hougue in the Cotentin Peninsula to the west.
WN 72 - Omaha Beach - germanbunkers.com
An 8.8 cm Pak gun inside the 677 type bunker, Omaha Beach, Normandy.
Omaha Beach - Widerstandsnest 72, Dog Green sector, Viervi
2012年8月2日 · WN 72: Widerstandsnest 72 is part of the "Atlantic Wall". It guarded the "Dog-1" exit towards Vierville-sur-mer and was built in 1943-44 . It lies in the Dog Green sector which saw some of the heaviest fighting in the morning of june 6, 1944.
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法兰SO-RF、WN-RF、BL-RF表示什么? 求解。 - 百度知道
1、法兰SO-RF: SO表示平焊法兰,RF表示密封面形式为突面,即突面密封平焊法兰。 2、法兰WN-RF:WN表示对焊法兰,RF表示密封面形式为突面,即突面密封对焊法兰。 3、法兰BL-RF:BL表示法兰盖,又称 盲板 法兰,RF表示密封面形式为突面,即突面密封盲板法兰。 法兰用于管端之间的连接,也有用在设备进出口上的法兰,用于两个设备之间的连接,如减速机法兰。 法兰连接或法兰接头,是指由法兰、 垫片 及螺栓三者相互连接作为一组组合密封结构的可拆连 …
3 - Témoignage du soldat Wegner en poste au WN72 de
Le 1ère classe Wegner, de la 3ème Compagnie du 914ème RI, l'un des hommes envoyés la veille, était de garde au WN72, entre les 2 gros bunkers bétonnés du bas de Vierville, avec leurs canons PAK43 antichar de 88mm et le canon PAK38 de 50mm. ""J'étais de garde dans ma position près de Vierville.