Wn 73 strongpoint – Atlantic wall in Normandy - D-Day Overlord
The Wn 73 strongpoint is one of the four defensive point of the village of Vierville-sur-Mer. It is located northwest of the valley of Vierville-sur-Mer, all around a house abandoned by the local population during the installation of the Germans. It includes a casemate for artillery guns, several shelters and tobrouks.
Wn73 Vierville-sur-Mer - NormandyBunkers
Wn73 is situated high on the cliffs at the western end of Omaha Beach at Vierville-sur-Mer and has a commanding view over the beach to the east of the position. Located halfway up the cliff facing east you can find a block type construction known as a Pakstand where a 75mm Pak field gun was located.
D-Day: Map of German Defenses at Omaha Beach - Jewish Virtual Library
WN 73. Small strongpoint overlooking the western bluff . 1 x 75 mm Gun firing down on the beach, not visible from the sea side. Mines, trenches and barbed wire. WN 74. Radarstation at Pointe de Raz
1133 WN73 - omaha-vierville.com
1133 [ WN signifiait "Widerstandnester" ou "nid de résistance" ] Le WN 73 , autour de la maison "Gambier" (en ruine), comprenait un canon antichar (français semble-t-il) de 75mm, 2 fosses à mortiers de 50mm, une seule étant semble-t-il armée, un tobrouk de DCA et plusieurs positions de mitrailleuses ou de tireurs.
German strongpoints in Normandy during operation Overlord
“ Wn” is the German abbreviation of Wiederstandnest, which literally means “nest of resistance”. In military terms, this is a strongpoint. This page allows you to discover the different strongpoints of the Atlantic Wall, between the mouth of the Orne to the east and La Hougue in the Cotentin Peninsula to the west.
Vierville-sur-Mer: Cracking a Critical Draw at Omaha Beach
Atop the cliffs on either side of the draw were formidable independent strongpoints called Widerstandsnests (WN), each manned by two squads, usually armed with machine guns and mortars. WN 71 stood on the east and WN 72 stood on the west. A third WN, designated 73, stood 200 yards west of WN 72. A fortified house stood in front of WN 73.
Vierville-sur-Mer in 1944 – Calvados – Battle of Normandy
The village of Vierville-sur-Mer and its beach are defended by four strongpoints coded from Wn 70 to Wn 73. A valley allows crossing the plateau to access the beach. In the spring of 1944, when the Allies were preparing for the Normandy landing, the Americans defined two beach areas facing Vierville-sur-Mer, which were named Charlie and Dog ...
《拯救大兵瑞恩》开头的抢滩登陆真的符合军事学吗? - 知乎
7:00-7:30,游骑兵迂回到了维耶维尔高地,然后夺取了扼守此处wn-73据点,打开d1突破口(电影还原)。 在绿D与白D区之间,开辟出了一小块登陆场。 电影第一段战斗场面至此结束,米勒上尉可以暂时休息了,但其他部队的战斗还在继续
2021年12月13日 · Die meisten Stellungen und Unterstände von WN 73 lagen auf dem hier bis zu 29 Metern ansteigendem Plateau. Das Widerstandsnest wurde am D-Day um ca. 8.30 Uhr von 8 US-Ranger und einige Soldaten der A- und B-Kompanie des 116.
Dog Green sector – Omaha Beach Project
WN or Widerstandsnest 72 is part of the Atlantic Wall. Together with WN 71 and WN 73 it guarded the Dog-1 exit towards Vierville-sur-mer. They were built in 1943-44 . These three German Widerstandsneste are situated in the Dog Green sector which saw some of the heaviest fighting in the morning of june 6, 1944.