Heinrich Severloh - Wikipedia
Heinrich "Hein" Severloh, also known as the Beast of Omaha, (23 June 1923 – 14 January 2006) was a soldier in the German 352nd Infantry Division stationed in Normandy in 1944. Severloh became notable for a memoir he published in the German language WN 62 – Erinnerungen an Omaha Beach Normandie, 6.
WN 62: A German Soldier s Memories of the Defence of Omaha …
2011年3月1日 · In collaboration with Helmut Freiherr von Keusgen , a specialist in military history, WN62 provides not only an exciting and highly detailed description of the Normandy landing and events, but also a new perspective about the events of that tragic day. The relationship between the Germans and French are thus presented in a different light.
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The Beast of Omaha: A German Soldier Who Defended Omaha …
In the early hours of June 6, 1944, a 20-year-old German soldier hurried to his post at Wiederstandsnest 62 (WN62) overlooking Omaha Beach to man his MG 42 machine gun. Tossed around in the English Channel in front of him were over 34,000 American troops waiting for their chance to land on that beach and earn their place in history.
海恩·塞弗罗 - 百度百科
1944年6月6日,盟军诺曼底登陆那一天,法国奥马哈海滩德军战壕中的20岁德军士兵海恩·塞弗罗创造了一项惊人纪录:在他藏身的WN62碉堡前,共有4184名美国士兵中弹倒下,而其中至少一半死亡人数都应该由塞弗罗一人的机关枪来负责。 二战后,他被人称作“奥马哈海滩之兽”。 然而如今迟暮之年的他悔恨地表示,他从不想卷入那场战争。
Bunker WN-62 - HistoryView
Almost at the very eastern end of Omaha beach, just below the American Cemetery is Wn62 a German strong point. These strong points were located all along the Atlantic Wall as a first line of defense against an attack by the Allies. No two strong points were the same, each one being designed for the location and also with what equipment was ...
WN 62 German Bunker Omaha Beach, Normandy
WN 62 Omaha Beach, Normandy - this is one of two 612 bunkers. An historic site to visit and just steps away from the beautiful American Cemetery at Colleville. This is a fairly easy site to visit and I strongly recommend getting here early.
奥马哈海滩之兽:我不想杀人,我只想活下去 - 搜狐
2017年8月13日 · 1944年6月6日,盟军诺曼底登陆那一天,法国奥马哈海滩德军战壕中的20岁德军士兵海恩·塞弗罗创造了一项惊人纪录:在他藏身的WN62碉堡前,共有4184名美国士兵中弹倒下,而其中至少一半死亡人数都应该由塞弗罗一人的机关枪来负责。 二战后,他被人称做“奥马哈海滩之兽”。 然而如今迟暮之年的他悔恨地表示,他从不想卷入那场战争。 塞弗罗9个小时里他用光了12000发子弹,海水被尸体的鲜血染红了。 机枪子弹用完了以后,他又用自己的步枪继续射击 …
WN 62: A German Soldier’s Memories of the Defence of Omaha …
2014年6月6日 · Heinrich Severloh’s moving autobiography and service memoir describes the greatest amphibious landing-operation in history, which on D-Day marked the beginning of the decisive campaign of the Second World War.
Wn 62 strongpoint - Atlantic wall in Normandy - D-Day Overlord
The Wn 62 is located to the west of the plateau dominating the valley of the Revolution, near Colleville-sur-Mer. It is one of three support posts in the village of Colleville, opposite Omaha Beach. It consists of two casemates H669 and one casemate H667. It is armed by 25 soldiers of the 3 Kompanie (726. Infanterie-Regiment, 716.
june 6 1944 - Widerstandsnest 62 - Strong point 62 - WN62
Strongpoint located at Colleville-sur mer. It remains a sublime beach and conviction... That which the humiliation of a people is to be banished.