Colors in XVM (Wargaming) | XVM Official Website - ModXVM.com
This page displays charts showing the color boundaries used in the XVM mod. The boundaries are based on player statistics from the XVM database, which is sourced from Wargaming’s data. Thus, “green players” are the TOP-10%, “turquoise players” are the TOP-1% and, “violet players” are the TOP-0,1%.
Ratings color scale recalculation in XVM 6.4.0 - ModXVM.com
This time, the WN8 rating borders increased quite dramatically as the rating developers made significant changes in the expected values table, which resulted in a notable increase of the rating for most players. From version 6.4.0 the ratings color scale looks like this:
Where do I see most relevant wn8 color scale? - Reddit
2019年6月30日 · Wn8 is supposed to show top X% at what color. So it would make sense the scale would change with the sever. 10 colour scale is not outdated. Many websites have different scales, and I was wondering which one to believe. Thanks!
What is the official WN8 color/rating scale : r/WorldofTanks
2014年2月3日 · Blue- Rare (Knows what they're doing) Purple - Epic (Listen to what they say) Orange - Legendary (Follow them to battle) Gold - Super Awesome Unicum (You will win) It matches all of blizzards item ranking system which I found easy and helpful. I …
WoT Guide for all colors of WN8 : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2014年7月27日 · You cannot hide from your WN8 and win rate. I've been running a around 1300 for my last 1000 games, and I just slipped into yellow overall (which was a nice surprise to see when XVM updated between battles) at 905.
WN8 Expected Values (Wargaming) | XVM Official Website
The table of expected values below is used to calculate the WN8 rating and is generated based on statistics from active players on Wargaming servers in the XVM database.
Wn8lab.com is a player created web service for World of Tanks. All rights belong to the owner of the site. Wn8lab.com is not an official website of Wargaming.net or any of its services.
各位大佬们,wn8是啥意思,望各位大佬不吝指导【坦克世界闪电 …
各位大佬们,wn8是..各种数据(人头点灯伤害等等)越高评分越高,具体怎么算的不太清楚。 紫色就是天神,粉色大神,蓝色是高玩,深绿色老手,黄色普通,,,一直到黑色,好像是这样
Wskażnik kolorów ogólego WN8 - Zgłaszanie błędów i …
2016年8月4日 · Opowiem tak: kolory nie grają! Mi tam lata, kto jaki ma kolor. Ważne, aby grać z rozwagą i umiejętnie do danego czołgu, współpracować ze sobą itp. A co do skali. Po wypuszczeniu patcha obowiązuje nowa skala WN8, która zawiera aktualne wartości odpowiednich "kolorków", więc wszystko jest jak najbardziej w porządku.
6 kolorów od Team XVM (domyślna skala z XVM) - aslain.com
2016年3月19日 · To jest najnowsza skala XVM (z ostatniego nightly build wzialem, zeby byla pewnosc ze aktualna) "wn8": [