WNR Fontpack by MinderiaYoutuber on DeviantArt
2017年12月27日 · WNR Fontpack is finally here! Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In. Minderia needs to also put font and aliasing guides right next to the layers name, such guides on layers name was already done on some layers for some MinderiaOS versions on the 2021 MinderiaOS Pack.
Windows Never Released Super Fontpack - DeviantArt
2019年11月21日 · DeviantartTLEReal on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/deviantarttlereal/art/Windows-Never-Released-Super-Fontpack-820951972 DeviantartTLEReal
Windows Never Released Wiki - Fandom
Windows Never Released are series made by people on YouTube showing their ideas for Microsoft Windows. Never released versions of Windows usually have remixed startup and shutdown sounds, sometimes they have existing startup/shutdown sounds from other OSes. WNR also shows bootscreens from specified OSes.
Fean's WNR kit - OS Concepts Wiki
2021年12月13日 · Fean's WNR Kit is a Windows Never Released content pack made by fean and the predecessor to the OS Mockup Kit. It was made in 2016 - 2017, and was commonly used by WNR creators throughout that time. A modified version with more resources and premade PSD files (specially real versions remakes) was made by Nermal Cat in 2017, used by WNRers too.
Fean's WNR kit - Mockupedia
Fean's WNR Kit is a Windows Never Released content pack made by fean and the predecessor to the OS Mockup Kit. It was made in 2016-2017, and was commonly used by WNR creators throughout that time. A modified version with more resources and premade PSD files (specially real versions remakes) was made by Nermal Cat in 2017, used by WNRers too.
wfonts.com | Download free fonts
website more than 100.000 free fonts, daily update, share for you
WHwNRV Update 5 Extension Kit - DeviantArt
2022年2月10日 · Formerly known as "WHwNRV Update 7 & Misc. into Update 5". This project has been going on since 2020. If you want to be up to date with some future WHwNRV U5 versions based on how Windows 11 has a new logo and a new sound, have this kit: drive.google.com/file/d/1VcTtC… 2024-08-25 - The "What's Under the Rug?"
wnr - Work aNd Rest
The website and guide of wnr, a stricter, prettier and more powerful time-management tool for Windows, macOS and Linux.
bluecomb site - WNR Pack Collection - Google Sites
Official names: "SOUNDpax" (internal, 2018-2021), "Mega WNR Pack Collection 2018-2022" (internal, current), "WNR Pack Collection" (non-internal, current)
wnr/DEVELOPMENT_GUIDE.md at master · RoderickQiu/wnr - GitHub
Using homemade native css to control its style, with Bootstrap and IconFont's help. Using Electron-store to persist user data. Using Node-i18n to perform internationalization ( I18n Contributing Guide ). Using Electron-build and NSIS to pack the executives. For the full technology stack, package.json worths reading.