In situ TEM investigation of hexagonal WO3 irreversible transformation ...
2021年10月1日 · Hexagonal WO 3 irreversible transformation to Li 2 WO 4 can be experimentally demonstrated via in situ HRTEM in the deep lithiation process including the initial activation of the lithium metal, the wetting of a single WO 3 nanowire and the migration of lithium ions into WO 3, and the restructuring of hexagonal WO 3.
TEM images and FFT of bulk WO 3 (a, b) and AH-WO 3 (c, d).
In order to investigate the effect of photointercalation on photoelectrochemical properties, two types of WO3-based photoanodes, bulk and exfoliated have been prepared and investigated. An...
Porous Au-embedded WO3 Nanowire Structure for Efficient Detection of ...
2015年6月18日 · In this study, we report a facile method to embed gold catalyst on highly porous WO 3 nanowires. The high-porosity nanowire structures of Au-embedded WO 3 were synthesized by using porous...
(a) TEM image of WO3 (reference sample), (b) TEM image of WO3 …
Narrow bandgap tungsten oxide (WO3−x) nanoparticles have been synthesized by single-step plasma discharge in deionized water between two vertically pointed tungsten electrodes.
SEM and TEM (inset: corresponding SAED pattern) images of WO3 ...
The X-ray diffraction patterns and Raman spectra corroborate the formation of different crystal phases viz., monoclinic (m-WO3), orthorhombic (o-WO3) and hexagonal (h-WO3).
Bilayer cascade of WO3 nanofibers/Ag@CeO2 nanosheets for ppb …
4 天之前 · The response value (Ra/Rg) of WO3/Ag@CeO2 sensor to 10 ppm xylene gas reaches 32.13 at the operating temperature of 160 °C. Additionally, the sensor displays an exceptional response to even trace amounts of xylene, as low as parts per billion (ppb). ... TEM, HRTEM, selective electron diffraction (SAED), ...
Template-free facile preparation of monoclinic WO3 …
2014年6月30日 · In this work, we report a one-step template-free hydrothermal route to synthesize monoclinic WO 3 nanoplates through a topochemical conversion process from H 2 WO 4 nanoplates precursors. The visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity of the as-prepared WO3 nanoplates is evaluated and compared with a commercial WO 3.
Engineering Hexagonal/Monoclinic WO3 Phase Junctions for …
Here, we report a low-cost and simple hydrothermal synthesis of a WO 3 -based hexagonal–monoclinic phase junction heterostructure with excellent HER performances, evidenced by detailed structural and electrochemical characterization. A comprehensive description of the HER mechanism at the interface of the phase junction is also provided. 2.
In situ TEM investigation of hexagonal WO3 irreversible transformation ...
2021年10月1日 · Hexagonal WO 3 irreversible transformation to Li 2 WO 4 can be experimentally demonstrated via in situ HRTEM in the deep lithiation process including the initial activation of the lithium metal, the wetting of a single WO 3 nanowire and the migration of lithium ions into WO 3, and the restructuring of hexagonal WO 3.
Ultrafast charge transfer in mixed-dimensional WO3-x …
2023年5月11日 · After oxygen plasma treatment, the top WSe 2 layer can be converted to the preferentially arranged 1D WO 3-x nanowires, indicated by the inset transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image,...