O 1 S XPS spectroscopic spectra of pristine WO 3 and WO 3 …
In this paper, radio frequency hydrogen plasma was employed to create surface defects on WO3 nanoparticles. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electron spin resonance (ESR) analysis...
XPS spectra for WS2, WS2/WO3, and WO3. (a) Full-range XPS …
In this work, a facile oxidation strategy was developed to prepare novel tungsten disulfide/tungsten trioxide (WS2/WO3) heterostructures for adsorbing organic dyes efficiently by combining the...
Surface-engineered WO3 thin films for efficient NO2 sensing
2020年7月1日 · The transition of the survey scan, O1s and W4f binding states depending on major fabrication step were analysed by XPS (Fig. 4 (a)-(l)). The O1s high-resolution spectra were de-convoluted to present the chemical binding energies, i.e., W-O (530.5–530.7 eV), oxygen vacancy (531.5–531.7 eV), and absorb oxygen or O-OH (532.5–532.8 eV) [27 ...
Cu-doped monoclinic WO3 nanoplates with superior …
2023年8月29日 · Figure 3c displays the O1s XPS spectra of WO 3 and Cu–WO3. The wide peak can be fitted into three peaks centered at 529.9, 531.3, and 532.8 eV for pristine WO 3 and 529.7, 531.1, and 532.6 eV for Cu–WO3, respectively, which can be assigned to the crystal lattice oxygen (O latt ) and adsorbed oxygen (O ads ) species, respectively [ 41 ].
SERS-active WO3-x thin films with tunable surface plasmon resonance ...
2022年3月5日 · As shown in Fig. 4 (a), the typical XPS peaks of W4f, W4d, and the XPS peaks of O1s verify the completion of tungsten oxide film preparation. Fig. 4 (b) shows the high-resolution W 4f XPS spectra and the corresponding deconvolution results for three samples synthesized in …
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra of different …
Tungsten oxide (WO3) is prepared by a low-temperature ultrasonic spray pyrolysis method in air atmosphere, and it is used as an anode buffer layer (ABL) for organic solar cells (OSCs). The...
XPS studies of active elements surface of gas sensors based on WO3…
2007年5月1日 · Nanodisperse WO 3−x oxides (x ≥ 0) were synthesized by method of electrical explosion of wires. The structure of core levels W4f and O1s was explored by XPS-method. Exposure of oxides to air at 293 K leads to the formation of WO 3 · (OH 2) n -phase on the surface of nanoparticles.
基于 WO3−x 纳米粒子的气体传感器活性元素表面的 XPS 研 …
摘要 采用金属丝电爆法合成了纳米分散WO 3− x 氧化物( x ≥ 0)。核心层 W4f 和 O1s 的结构是通过 XPS 方法探索的。氧化物在 293 K 的空气中暴露导致在纳米颗粒表面形成 WO 3 ·(OH 2 ) n 相。揭示了非化学计量的 WO 3- x 氧化物基质的 x 值与其中的 OH 基团含量之间的相关性。
WO_3薄膜的微观结构与电致变色机制研究 - 百度文库
wo3 是典型的阴极电致 变色的材料之一, 同时也是目前为止研究和应用最广 泛的电致变色材料, 这是由于 wo 3 薄膜具有可见光透 射率变化幅度大、 循环可逆性好、 相对价格低、 使用寿 命长和无毒等优点, 因此成为人们研究的热点。
XPS,XES,XAS研究钨氧化物的电子结构(精) - 百度文库
为了确定单斜WO3的W-4f和O-1s芯能级结合能(core-level biห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ding energies BEs),研究人员在一系列的研究中都应用了XPS技术,同时WO2的类似的光谱也有报道,WO3的XPS价带能谱由colon和rabalais得出,Bringan等则用UPS来研究WO3的价带。