Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) Score - MDCalc
The ICH Score was developed as a clinical grading scale and communication tool. As a young neurointensivist, I noticed that we used clinical grading scales for communication across …
Prognostication after intracerebral hemorrhage: a review
2021年5月3日 · We discuss methodological pitfalls of prediction scores, e.g. the withdrawal of care (WOC) bias, physiological predictor variables that are often neglected by authors of …
Cerebral Hemorrhage: Pathophysiology, Treatment, and Future …
2022年4月15日 · Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a devastating form of stroke with high morbidity and mortality. This review article focuses on the epidemiology, cause, mechanisms …
Factors Associated With Neurologic Disability and Mortality After ...
2022年3月15日 · Of 346 patients with WOC, 329 patients (95.1%) died by 3 months. In addition to ICH and FUNC score variables, preexisting medical conditions, medication use, subsequent …
Prognostication after intracerebral hemorrhage: a review - PMC
Approximately half of patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) die within 1 year. Prognostication in this context is of great importance, to guide goals of care discussions, …
Risk Factors Associated With Mortality and Neurologic Disability …
2022年3月15日 · Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is the most severe subtype of stroke. Its mortality rate is high, and most survivors experience significant disability. To assess primary …
Prognostication after intracerebral hemorrhage: a review
2021年5月3日 · Gaps in ICH outcomes research include the determination of the best timing of score assessment, addressing the WOC bias as it may confound score derivation, and …
Intracerebral hemorrhage: An update on diagnosis and treatment
2019年6月12日 · Introduction: Spontaneous non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is most often caused by small vessel diseases: deep perforator arteriopathy (hypertensive...
Woc-ich- Sindra - woc - Web of Caution Intracerebral Hematoma (ICH …
Web of Caution Intracerebral Hematoma (ICH) Definisi: Perdarahan intracerebral adalah perdarahan yang terjadi pada jaringan otak, biasanya akibat robekan pembuluh darah yang …
Woc Ich | PDF - Scribd
Intracerebral hematoma (ICH) adalah perdarahan yang terjadi di otak akibat robekan pembuluh darah. Etiologinya meliputi trauma kepala, fraktur tengkorak, gerakan tiba-tiba, cedera …
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