Open reduction-internal fixation | Radiology Reference Article ...
2024年1月10日 · An open reduction-internal fixation, commonly abbreviated to ORIF, refers to the orthopedic operative management of a fracture (or fracture-dislocation complex) where reduction requires surgical (hence open) approach and internal fixation is applied.
27 - Technique Spotlight : ORIF Proximal Humerus Fracture with ...
2022年1月1日 · Open-reduction internal fixation (ORIF) is our preferred treatment option in patients with moderate to high functional demands and (1) fracture pattern and displacement that will limit function if treated nonoperatively, (2) bone quality that will allow stable fixation, (3) pattern that appears amenable to healing without high risk of avascular ...
A 4-Year Multicentre Audit of Complications Following ORIF …
This study is aimed to ascertain the types of complications and associated features arising from open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of mandibular fractures and to elucidate if different osteosynthesis plating systems vary in treatment outcome.
open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF), for the treatment of displaced and unstable proximal humerus fractures, has gar-nered a great deal of recent clinical attention.5-8 Treatment of complex fracture patterns, especially in the elderly individuals, continuestobeachallengingandcontroversialclinicalscenario,
Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) adalah sebuah prosedur bedah medis, yang tindakannya mengacu pada operasi terbuka untuk mengatur tulang, seperti yang diperlukan untuk beberapa patah tulang, fiksasi internal mengacu pada fiksasi sekrup
Fluoroscopic Technique for Open Reduction and Internal Fixation …
We have described a step-by-step intraoperative fluoroscopic setup, including the proposal of plate and screw views focusing on the accuracy of reduction and proper placement of the PHILOS plate to prevent complications that are related to …
Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF) of Complex 3- and …
2011年12月19日 · Our data should be taken in concert with the growing body of literature concerning fixation of proximal humerus fractures and demonstrate the need for a prospective study comparing outcomes of complex fractures treated, in elderly patients, with either locked plating or hemiarthroplasty.
(PDF) Woc fraktur - Academia.edu
NAMA : Masud NIM : P07220421071 WOC CLOSED FRAKTUR Defenisi : Fraktur tertutup adalah rusaknya kontuinitas tulang yang disebabkan tekanan eksternal yang datang lebih besar dari yang dapat diserap oleh tulang dan tidak terdapat hubungan antara fragmen tulang dengan dunia luar.
(PDF) Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF) of
2012年3月1日 · Results were compared (t test and Wilcoxon test) with fracture type (3- vs 4-part) and patient age at time of fracture (<65 years vs >65years) as the primary outcome measure.
Lampiran 3. WOC FRAKTUR ORIF | PDF - Scribd
Fraktur tulang dapat terjadi akibat trauma langsung, trauma tidak langsung, atau kondisi patologis seperti osteoporosis. Fraktur dapat berupa tertutup dimana kulit masih utuh atau terbuka dimana terjadi diskontinuitas tulang dan laserasi kulit. Komplikasi yang mungkin muncul antara lain perdarahan, infeksi, ganggu. Shock. Iii.
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