Object 268 Version V - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The Object 268 Version V is a Soviet tier 10 premium tank destroyer. A tank destroyer based on the Object 730 (T-10) tank. Developed in the early 1950s. The project allowed a gun to be …
【心得】Object 268 V5 心得分享 @戰車世界 World of Tanks 哈 …
2022年1月27日 · 這次的主角是拍賣會新推出的蘇聯10階TD:Object 268 V5,亮點是可以360度轉動的砲塔,跟原版268比起來除了有砲塔之外其他性能都是弱化,加上它有的東西,其它10 …
World of Tanks - tanks.gg
Object 268 Version V Tier X Reward Soviet Tank Destroyer Versatile
Object 268 Version V X - skill4ltu Index
2022年1月15日 · 3D Model, Ratings, Equipment, Crews, Field modifications, Marks of excellence, Marks of mastery & WN8 for Object 268 Version V
Object 268 v5, worth 15k bonds ? Fun to play - Reddit
2024年4月10日 · It's pretty much a regular Ob 268 that trades pretty much everything to get the turret - which is not particularly useful anyway as you're getting just 5 degrees of gun depression.
Object 268 Version V - Equipment, Mastery & MoE requirements, …
2025年3月1日 · Object 268 Version V equipment builds for World of Tanks. Equipment setups based on Skill4ltu and Yzne configurations. -3% to dispersion during hull traverse. +3% to hull …
268工程V型:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
WOT超测:咸鱼翻身?268工程V型得到全面加强!这台曾是国服 …
如果单从车库里的纸面数据来看,那268工程V型简直是10级TD小霸王,它不仅有炮塔、机动性也不错、有单发伤害、穿深也很高,瞄准时间和精度对于152口径的炮来说也很强,DPM也完全 …
S系10级坦歼268V5能否像名字那样“V587”? - 17173
2022年2月11日 · 268V5的炮塔正面有着厚重的防护,230毫米装甲配合跳弹外形,正对时大多数区域等效为260-290毫米,对于同级重坦的银币弹还是有着不错的防护。 让它风评受害的主要是 …
Объект 268 Вариант 5 | Stats, Armor, Weakspots, Modules, …
1 天前 · Объект 268 Вариант 5: armor layout, internal modules and crew, weak spots, stats. Choose equipment, perks and field mods. Compare with other tanks.