TOG II* - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
Very large and slow, the TOG II is one of the most popular and easily recognizable vehicles in World of Tanks. Despite its bulky appearance it's not an unstoppable behemoth and instead derives its strength from its 1,560 hit points and fantastic gun.
Players' Guide to the TOG II* | General News | World of Tanks
2016年4月23日 · The TOG II* is the size of a small warship, but on land! While you won't blitz across the battlefield, you'll proceed at a dignified pace. It's affectionately known as the "Love Boat" or "HMS TOG" among its loyal fans.
最慢车被拿去劝退新人?TOG II该如何食用? _ 偶游坦克世界官网 …
2022年3月14日 · tog ii使用一门在现实中“屠虎灭豹”的17磅炮。 这门炮可谓是“现实中重拳出击,游戏中唯唯诺诺”的典型,171的银币弹穿深确实足够,在同级重坦中也是翘楚,但这150的单发实在是“大嘤弟国优良传统”,在五秒一发的射速下DPM只有1800,要知道不少六级重坦 ...
Long, Isn't It? The TOG II* is Here! | Specials | World of Tanks
2019年7月23日 · The TOG II* is the size of a small warship, but on land! While you won't blitz across the battlefield, you'll proceed at a dignified pace. The TOG is also affectionately known as the "Land Yacht," "HMS TOG," "XP Piñata," and other monikers among its loyal fans. The TOG II* is ideal for support play and base defense when well positioned.
4000债券的金币重坦TOG II 绝非等闲之辈 _ 偶游坦克世界官网合作 …
2025年3月6日 · TOG II进了战争债券商店 战争债券商店在3月1号那天加了一些新的坦克,正巧我在之前看到了一条wot的广告,大概内容就是“新手强势金坦免费送”,然后边上放了个TOG II,头顶上用小字写着:
TOG II* | U.K. | Tankopedia | World of Tanks Modern Armor - WG
Developed for trench warfare. Initially, the armament was to be placed in the front part of the hull and side sponsons. However, later it was decided not to add sponsons but to mount a turret. By 1943, when the TOG 2* was completed and ready for trials, it was already obsolete. The vehicle never entered service.
[Tank Guide] TOG II* - WoT Asia
2020年5月19日 · Everyone knows the VI TOG II*: the true idol of World of Tanks. It is one of the biggest, slowest, and longest vehicles in the game, a combination of characteristics that sounds desperately impractical on the battlefield.
TOG II:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
TOG II的分析视频中包括了坦克的主要参数及战斗表现。
TOG II* VI - skill4ltu Index
2021年4月1日 · 3D Model, Ratings, Equipment, Crews, Field modifications, Marks of excellence, Marks of mastery & WN8 for TOG II*
TOG II* — Tier VI English heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
Good HP, Good DPM, Penetration 171, Damage 160, Reload time: 4.55, Precise, Good gun depression, Good view range, High penetration. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.