112 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
Overall, the 112 is a solid heavy tank meant for brutal, short-range combat typical of Soviet and Chinese heavies, where the thick armor dominates the field and inaccuracy of the D-25TA is reduced. This vehicle received a significant armor buff when it was reworked in HD quality.
WZ-112-2 — Tier VIII Chinese heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
Good HP, Low DPM, Penetration 215, Damage 400, Reload time: 11.79, High damage, Big caliber. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
wz112-2是楼主很喜欢的一辆重坦,对比252而言,wz-112-2更加适合进攻带节奏。 但与此同时,它也有相当的卡点卖侧能力,综合防御性能相当优秀,是非常典型和标准的突击型重坦。
112: review, characteristics, comparison - World of Tanks
Join breathtaking air battles for control of the battlefield with legendary planes from the 20th century. Free-to-play mobile action MMO that plunges you into intense naval combat of the first half of the 20th century.
WoT Blitz WZ-112-2 数据(5.7版本) - 哔哩哔哩
数据仍在测试,仅供参考 最终数据决定权在© 2014–2019 Wargaming.net WZ-112-2 (KRT-1) 中(苏)系VIII级重型坦克 金币车 生命值:1450 车体装甲(毫米): 前 140 侧 100 后 60 炮塔装甲(毫米): 前 195 侧 120 后 100 重量(吨):47.76 引擎动力(马力):580.0 推重比(马力 ...
112 Glacial — Tier VIII Chinese heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
The unique Premium Tier VIII heavy tank personifying the ice dragon. A bitter rival of the Blaze WZ 135G FT. Cold and resolute, the ice dragon calms and counterbalances the explosive character of his younger brother. These two are always together but remain in eternal confrontation. The Glacial 112 was awarded during the New Moon event in 2017.
World of Tanks - tanks.gg
112 Tier VIII Premium Chinese Heavy Tank BreakthroughStats
WZ-112-2 - Tier VIII Chinese Heavy | BlitzKit Tankopedia | World …
WZ-112-2 armor, statistics, equipment, provisions, and more. 1,992 DPM, 400hp alpha, 215mm penetration, 42kph top speed, 1,800hp health.
112 - Equipment, Mastery & MoE requirements, WN8 target …
112 equipment builds for World of Tanks. Equipment setups based on Skill4ltu and Yzne configurations.
112 - World of Tanks Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
2021年8月24日 · 火力 俯角は-6°と良くはないが、 WZ-111 と比べて唯一優れている砲性能であり、上手く地形を活かしていきたい。 122 mm D-25TA ソ連・中国でお馴染みの単発火力390の122mm戦車砲であり、やはり通常弾のAPは貫通力196mmと低い。