The women's petition against coffee, ... 1674
2024年2月1日 · The women's petition against coffee, ... 1674..Digitized from IA40313708-01.Previous issue:... Skip to main content Ask the publishers to restore access to 500,000+ books.
This 17th-Century "Women's Petition Against Coffee" Probably Wasn…
2017年10月2日 · But with this rise came a backlash: In a hilarious pamphlet published in 1674, a group of women came out against the “newfangled, abominable, heathenish liquor called coffee.”
The Women's Petition Against Coffee - Wikisource
2025年1月21日 · This famous petition was put forth in 1674 as a protest against the perceived ills of the all-male coffehouse culture of England. Representing to Publick Consideration the Grand Inconveniencies accruing to their Sex from the Excessive Use of that drying, Enfeebling Liquor. Presented to the Right Honorable the Keepers of the Liberty of Venus.
Res Obscura: On the Women’s Petition Against Coffee of 1674
2017年4月8日 · “The Womens Petition Against Coffee,” a pamphlet issued in London in 1674, is among the most entertaining and vividly-written historical texts that I know of. Like The School of Venus , a 1680 sex manual whose cover displays a group of women crowded around a dildo-merchant, there is something jarringly frank about the petition that I find ...
1674 Womens' Petition Against Coffee - Blogger
2013年6月6日 · In 1674, the women of London presented a petition calling for the closure of the coffee houses and the consumption of what they called: ‘a drying, enfeebling liquor', and addressed it to: " The Humble Petitions and Address of Several Thousands of Buxome Good-Women, Languishing in Extremity of Want, and contained the phrase ---The Age of Man, Now...
In 1674 a group of London women formed... - OCF Coffee House
In 1674 a group of London women formed a group called WPAC (Women’s Petition Against Coffee). They didn’t like the amount of time their husbands spent in coffee houses rather than being home where...
QUICK FACT: In 1674 a group... - The Coffee Delivery Company
2018年2月19日 · QUICK FACT: In 1674 a group of London women formed a group called WPAC (Women's Petition Against Coffee). They didn't like the amount of time their husbands spent in coffee houses rather than being...
The women's petition against coffee (1674) — Institut für …
The women's petition against coffee (1674)-- Digital version: Janet Clarkson (Australia), Thomas Gloning (Germany), 12.7.2003
In 1674 a group of London women... - Jay Charles Coffee CO.
In 1674 a group of London women formed a group called WPAC (Women's Petition Against Coffee). They didn't like the amount of time their husbands spent in coffee houses rather than being home where...
The Women’s Petition Against Coffee / By a Well-willer in 1674
2010年7月13日 · The Women's Petition Against Coffee Representing to Publick Consideration the Grand Inconveniencies accruing to their Sex from the Excessive Use of that drying, Enfeebling Liquor. Presented to the Right Honorable the Keepers of the Liberty of Venus. By a Well-willer London, Printed 1674.