Electrical & Computer Engineering - Worcester Polytechnic Institute
WPI's Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department, located in historic Atwater Kent Laboratories, is a community of world-class faculty and students conducting research on diverse subjects including machine learning, cryptography and information security, signal processing, autonomous vehicles, smart health, prosthetic control, analog ...
Electrical & Computer Engineering Courses - Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Master's in Electrical and Computer Engineering
As an ECE master’s student, you’ll dive into fundamentals of computers and electrical engineering courses that will challenge you to think innovatively and technically as you solve complex problems. Our expert faculty will introduce you to master’s courses for ECE students that involve hands-on technologies as you fulfill research projects.
ECE@WPI详细介绍 - 一亩三分地
2012年8月14日 · 本人是WPI的小硕一枚,现向大家介绍一下WPI ECE专业的情况。1. ECE专业ms和phd大约100多人,其中中国学生的比例逐年升高,两年前只有20个中国学生,去年只是秋季学期就 ...
Electrical and Computer Engineering | Worcester Polytechnic …
Students with a B.S. degree in electrical engineering or electrical and computer engineering may submit an application for admission to the Master’s program. There are three degree options in the Master’s program: An M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, an M.Eng. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and an M.Eng. in Power Systems ...
Electrical and Computer Engineering Major | Worcester …
In addition to WPI requirements applicable to all students, students wishing to receive the major designated “Electrical and Computer Engineering” must satisfy certain distribution requirements. These requirements apply to 10 units of study in the areas of mathematics, basic science, and engineering science and design as follows:
伍斯特理工学院(Worcester Polytechnic Institute)史上最全深度解 …
伍斯特理工学院(Worcester Polytechnic Institute,简称WPI)是一所以工程和技术为主的私立研究型大学,成立于1865年,位于美国马萨诸塞州伍斯特市。 该校以其创新的教育理念和实践导向的项目而闻名,特别是在STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)领域。 WPI的独特之处在于其“项目导向学习”模式,学生在学习过程中不仅参与课堂教学,更通过实际项目解决真实世界的问题,这使他们在毕业后具备了较强的实践能力和创新思维。 伍斯特理工学院的校园文化丰富多彩,学生 …
Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering
At least 21 of the 30 credits must be graduate level activity (designated 500-, 5000-, or 600-level) in the field of electrical and computer engineering (course prefix ECE) offered by WPI.
Degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering | Worcester …
Take advantage of our long tradition of hands-on work as you complete your degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. You’ll be immersed in cutting-edge projects that impact our world—like design of electronic circuits for use in wearable medical and health sensors, autonomous vehicles, solar-powered devices, and cybersecurity—from day one.
在伍斯特理工学院(Worcester Polytechnic Institute)就读是怎样一 …
WPI (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) 在麻塞诸塞州的Worcester市,离波士顿很近,学校确实非常小,所以名气不大,名声好,个人体会到的辐射范围也就是大波士顿地区,如果找工作遵循就近原则的话,是够用了。