Worst pattern of invasion in oral squamous cell carcinoma is an ...
Presence of invasive WPOI is associated with advanced T stage, poor differentiation, PNI, greater depth of invasion, and higher chances of nodal metastasis. WPOI is associated with poor DFS, treatment intensification in early stage disease with WPOI type IV & V may improve survival.
Impact of worst pattern of invasion on prognosis of oral …
The relationship between the worst pattern of invasion (WPOI) and the prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) remains controversial. This systematic review and meta-analysis was performed to determine the impact of the WPOI on the prognosis ...
Pathology Outlines - Staging-oral cavity
2020年12月29日 · Worst pattern of invasion (WPOI) (AJCC: Cancer Staging [Accessed 21 September 2018], CAP: Protocol for the Examination of Specimens from Patients with Cancers of the Lip and Oral Cavity [Accessed 29 December 2020]): Validated outcome predictor for oral cavity squamous carcinoma patients in multivariate analysis
Association of worst pattern of invasion in oral squamous cell ...
2023年1月1日 · The current study aimed to evaluate the association of WPOI in oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) with clinicopathological factors. This was a retrospective study conducted on all newly diagnosed cases of oral SCC patients, who underwent resection surgery.
Worst pattern of invasion and other histopathological features in …
The present study aimed to determine the efficacy of using worst pattern of invasion (WPOI) and other histopathological features, such as prognostic factors in OCSCC, and analyze the impact of resection margin status and histopathological prognostic indicators on local recurrence (LR) and overall survival (OS) in patients with OCSCC.
Worst pattern of invasion - type 4 (WPOI-4) and Lymphocyte host ...
We propose mandatory reporting of WPOI-4 at the tumor interface and absence of LHR, as significant markers of poor prognosis in early-stage oral cavity squamous carcinoma.
Clinicopathologic predictors of survival in buccal squamous cell ...
The worst pattern of invasion (WPOI) was associated with greater depth of invasion (DOI) (P = .031) and perineural invasion (P < .001). In univariate analyses, older age (P = .004), positive nodal status (P = .047), lymphovascular invasion (P = .012), perineural invasion (P = .05), and WPOI-5 (P = .015) were adverse predictors of 5-year overall ...
Worst Pattern of Invasion as an Independent Predictor of Lymph …
2022年11月27日 · Analyzing WPOI is essential in reporting HP specimens in OSCC. High-risk WPOI can act as an independent predictor for LNM, early recurrence and poor prognosis. Incorporation of WPOI into TNM staging is recommended to improve clinician’s ability to prognosticate and individualize treatment strategies.
Depth of invasion, tumor budding, and worst pattern of invasion ...
In the unadjusted model, the age of the patient, tumor budding, and depth of invasion were the parameters that were positively and strongly associated with mortality from early-stage oral tongue SCC (Table 2). Analyzed separately, WPOI was also strongly associated with mortality from oral tongue SCC (Table 3). Age was the only variable that was ...
Worst pattern of invasion: A prognostic indicator in early-stage …
2024年3月1日 · This study analyses the prognostic significance of worst pattern of invasion (WPOI) in a unique population of pathologically proven node-negative early-stage oral tongue cancer patients to see if the WPOI is a prognostic marker …