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The database which was used to qualify the WRB-1 CHF correlation in the Westinghouse THINC code for 17x17 and 15x15 "R" grid fuel has been re-analyzed by WRB-1 with the Virginia Power COBRA code. Data analysis has shown that DNB protection is
The Westinghouse Rod Bundle critical heat flux (CHF) correlation, WRB- 1, predicts critical heat flux in rod bundles based on subchannel local fluid conditions. The WRB-1I correlation, described in detail by WCAP 8762-P-A (Re If.
New Westinghouse correlation WRB-1 for predicting critical heat …
It accounts for typical cell and thimble cell effects, uniform and non-uniform heat flux profiles, variations in rod heated length and in grid spacing. The correlation predicts CHF for 1147 data points with a sample mean and standard deviation of measured-to-predicted heat flux ratio of 1.0043 and 0.0873, respectively.
The objective of the DNB tests is to provide a confirmation of the applicability of the existing WRB-1 and WRB-2 correlations for 14-foot-long fuel. It serves as the supplement to Topical Report “MUAP-07009-P, THERMAL DESIGN METHODOLOGY” which described VIPRE-01M code and DNB correlations for the US-APWR design applications.
A theoretically based critical heat flux prediction for rod …
1985年3月1日 · New Westinghouse correlation WRB-1 for predicting critical heat flux in rod bundles with mixing vane grids
核反应堆热工分析报告.ppt 34页 - 原创力文档
2016年4月18日 · * WRB-1公式 WRB-公式的使用范围: 工作压力 p=9.9~17.2MPa; 流体质量流密度 WRB-1公式比W-3公式更符合棒束试验数据,该公式如下: 含气量 加热长度 L4.27m; 加热间隙 s=0.33~0.81m; 当量直径 热周当量直径 * 7.4 最小临界热流密度比 临界热流密度比,就是指用 …
WRB-1 All Purpose Mobile Shop Cart - hannmfg.com
WRB-1 All Purpose Mobile Shop Cart These mobile units are ideal for a variety of shop applications, such as woodworking, tech ed, arts & craft areas, and for any of the multiple activities that take place in the elementary classroom.
The minimum DNBR point method optimizes all the coefficients of CHF correlation based on local parameters at minimum DNBR points and the examples are WRB-1, WRB-2 and WRB-2M correlations. The BO point method optimizes all the coefficients of CHF correlation based on local parameters at BO points.
[赛后]WRB 1-0 WEB:就在今天!WRB中野输出爆炸,成功送 …
2024年9月11日 · WRB中野输出爆炸,成功送给WEB首败由虎扑游戏电竞资讯 发表在 英雄联盟 https://bbs.hupu.com/lol. 都说训练赛没用,但是训练赛957打猫皇队二塔都没看到过,所以知道办什么,,而且拿了最自信的泽丽。 输icon还是ez臭了,他根本不会玩。 都说训练赛没用,但是训练赛957打猫皇队二塔都没看到过,所以知道办什么,,而且拿了最自信的泽丽。 输icon还是ez臭了,他根本不会玩。 不给doby抢呀吃了三四个ban位。 还不抢。 没道理的. 不给doby抢呀吃了 …
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