WRC,想念「 翼豹555 」_Legacy_拉力赛_引擎 - 搜狐
2023年2月11日 · WRC是“World Rally Championship(世界汽车拉力锦标赛)”的缩写。 WRC始于1973年,是国际汽联(FIA)旗下赛事。 所有参赛车辆必须以量产车研发制造而成,并在世界各地的雨林、沼泽、雪地、沙漠及蜿蜒山路等不同的路况进行比赛,是最严酷的汽车赛事之一。
Subaru World Rally Team - Wikipedia
The Subaru World Rally Team (SWRT) was Subaru's World Rally Championship (WRC) team. It used a distinctive blue with yellow colour scheme that is a throwback to the sponsorship deal with State Express 555, a BAT cigarette brand popular in Asia.
Impreza 555: a world rally icon - Subaru
For the 1993 World Rally Championship (WRC) season the Subaru team introduced a distinctive blue-with-yellow colour scheme. It was a reference to its sponsorship deal with State Express 555, a cigarette brand from British American Tobacco (BAT), and the team opted to name their competition model the 555.
WRC 555 中国赛 1999 - 哔哩哔哩
2 天之前 · 大神神们的视频节目,仅供学习及参考所用。喜欢赛车的朋友们请你看过来,这里有大神们棒、棒、棒的视频节目,希望你们可以有所借鉴。让我们一起进步,一起找寻那份快乐!, 视频播放量 1、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 耐狮虎NaiJJ, 作者简介 要问钩机挂壁 ...
The Classic Subaru 555 - My Life at Speed
2016年5月21日 · From the 1993 to the 1996 World Rally Championship season Subaru ran one of the most iconic rally cars of all time. Known around the world as the “Impreza 555”, this car was developed and ran by the British Motorsport company Prodrive.
[WRC] Subaru Impreza WRC 555 Colin Mcrae / Carlos Sainz 1995 ... - YouTube
In memory of Colin McRae, one of the greatest driver of WRC. He spend the best moments of his career with this subaru and the Subaru World Rally Team. Always...
Subaru Impreza 555: The Start of a Rally Legend - SnapLap
2015年11月24日 · The 555 edition road cars looked like racing Imprezas and after Subaru World Rally Team and Colin McRae clinched the world titles, that car became one of the most popular road-legal sports cars in the world and it was sold out quickly.
Subaru Impreza 555 S5/S6 WRC 97 & The Ultimate Rally Insane …
2024年11月8日 · スバル・インプレッサ Subaru Impreza WRC 97 – First Championship winning Car in WRC Era. Compilation VHS RIP FULLHD Tv Portugal Transmission 90´ / 00´ years In 1997, the era of the World Rally Cars has...
,经典赛车游戏:驾驶科林麦克雷的斯巴鲁555赛车拉力赛,现代i20专场秀! 直观感受空气动力学的魅力瞬间——2025WRC肯尼亚站,『有些地方,只有车轮能到达;有些自由,只有旷野能给予』,发夹弯丝滑过弯!
年近30的WRC Subaru 555 拉力賽車(GC8),坐在裏面往外看的風 …
2023年7月31日 · 藍色車體+車門黃色555+WRC賽道上揚起陣陣塵煙,大概就是的Subaru Impreza 最為讓人深刻的記憶,更是啟蒙不少台灣熱血青年變成硬皮鯊車主,雖然這些人都已年過半百,但是看曾經555 Subaru 還依舊馳騁於碎石路上,那個高血脂的血液也熱起來了吧?