W/S Geer Gang Crip - Unofficial Factions - GTA World Forums - GTA …
2025年2月10日 · Even before the Geers were formed officially as a gang, they used to hang out with the West Boulevard Crips. They owe their gratitude to them, as they are the main influence responsible for Geers obtaining the Deuce (2X) card. Their allies include the West Boulevard Crip, Venice ShoreLine Crip, Schoolyard Crip and Rollin 40s.
W/S Square Gang - Factions - GTA World Forums - GTA V Heavy …
2024年3月19日 · If individuals wish to interact or join the faction, they can approach the members in-game, specifically in the Forum Drive area. For further inquiries or questions about the faction, contacting the faction's leadership would be the appropriate course of action.
[GTA:World] W/S Square Gang: Finish What You Start, Life Is a
W/S SATANAS GANG - Unofficial Factions Archive - GTA World Forums - GTA ...
2024年5月7日 · W/S SATANAS GANG portrays a predominantly Fil-Mex gang & our own fictional take on the real-life Satanas Gang (STS). When it comes to recruitment, the faction is invite-only, which means you must show interest by privately messaging leadership on the forum.
74 Hoover Criminal Gang - GTA World
2020年12月25日 · The West Side (W/S) 74 Hoover Criminal Gang (also referred to as the "7-Fo Hoover Criminal Gang") are a long standing Hoover set located in the western district of South Los Santos. Known as the "Bay-Bays", they are a long …
W/S 83 Hoover Criminals Gang - 보관함 - GTAW.KR - forum-kr.gta…
2024年11月25日 · W/S 83 Hoover Criminals Gang 의 작은 클릭인 Young Shooter Gang 의 멤버를 연기하며, 뒷 세계의 거물을 목표로 하거나 조직 간의 정치보단 현실적인 SCLA의 흑인 청소년/청년을 연기하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 폭력적이며 불법적인 것에만 집중하지 않고 우리의 캐릭터가 가진 ...
W/S Blue Flame Gang - Unofficial Factions Archive - GTA World …
2021年2月21日 · The 113 Original Blocc Crips, also known as Blue Flame Gang are a predominately African-American street gang located in the unincorporated section of Los Santos County known as Rancho. Their turf lays between Macdonald Street (West), and Roy Lowenstein (North) up to Jamestown Street (South).
Gangs in Grand Theft Auto V | GTA Wiki | Fandom
This page lists all the gangs, private militia and other criminal organizations around Southern San Andreas in Grand Theft Auto V. There are eleven major gangs (including street gangs and drug cartels), four minor gangs, and a criminal organization led by Trevor Philips.
W/S Tiny Rascal Gang - 보관함 - GTAW.KR
2024年7月22日 · Tiny Rascal Gang. 1980년대 초반으로 거슬러 올라가는 캄보디아계 스트릿 갱은 결국 1970년대 캄보디아 대량학살 "킬링 필드"의 산물입니다.
W/S Rollin Sixties NeighborHood Crip - Archives - GTAW France
2021年6月19日 · Les West Side (W/S) Rollin 60s Neighbourhood Crips est un gang de rue afro-américain de longue date et tristement célèbre basé dans la région de Hyde Park à l'ouest de Los Angeles, en Californie.