Home - Water Sports Foundation
Retailer joins nonprofits and state agencies to promote kayaking and paddleboarding safety ORLANDO, FL, UNITED STATES, October 22, 2024 — The Water Sports Foundation, a recreational boating safety advocacy group, is coordinating a paddling safety effort including state agencies, nonprofits and retailer DICK’S Sporting Goods.
世界标准认证品牌机构_北京世标认证中心有限公司 - WSF
世标认证 /WSF下设 32个分支机构,拥有能覆盖石油、石化、建筑、医疗、健康、食品、 电子、机械等 2000 余名专业国家注册审核员和技术专家服务团队,认证服务网络遍及全国,具有 “点多、面广、 专业、规范” 等服务优势和服务特点,在认证认可行业地位方面,世标认证 /WSF 为中国认证认可协会(CCAA) 首批” 常务理事单位 “之一。 目前世标认证 /WSF 已为中国石油、中国石化、中海油、中国兵器集团、国旅总社、百事可乐、辽宁高法、完 达山乳业、蒙牛集团、伊利集 …
WSF Boating & Paddling Safety - YouTube
This Channel is dedicated to sharing boating and paddling safety video public service announcements created by non-profit grant funding awarded to the Water Sports Foundation by the United States...
WSF Safety Summit 2017-18 and Gala Awards India New Delhi
Safety Summit Networking platform for Industries and Company representatives to forecast their safety vision. amazing world leaders will be interacting with industry professionals and concurrently recognizing the amazing contributions in the Health and Safety Industry.
Media Center - Water Sports Foundation
The Water Sports Foundation has designed and launched the National Boating Safety Media Center to aid journalists with relevant and accurate boating safety information. Leading stakeholders from the marine industry have contributed statistics, video and still imagery, graphics and other content for complimentary media access.
About US - World Safety Forum
World Safety Forum is a charter body under the 193 country consortium, actively addressing and eradicating the sustainability issues in association with Fire and Safety Forum. World Safety Forum strive to find a sustainable solution in the disaster management, water pollution, environment pollution, deforestation, destruction of wild life ...
世界标准认证品牌机构_北京世标认证中心有限公司 - WSF
在世标认证 /WSF 自我发展壮大的发展历程中,为推动我国的国际标准认证认可事 业做了大量前沿开拓性的工作,其中世标认证 /WSF 董事长徐涛先生先后代表我国认证机 构,积极参与和助力我国与国际同行的双边和多边互认活动,并于 1993 年代表我国认证 机构赴新加坡出席了“国际审核员培训和认证协会(IATCA)”的筹备会,1999 年作为我 国认证机构的唯一代表,应 邀 出 席 了 在 巴 西 举 行 的 I A T C A 全 委 会 … 世标认证创办于 1997 年,总部设在北京。 经过 20 多年的 …
World Safety Forum - LinkedIn
2024年12月23日 · Fire and Safety Forum is an international professional body and charity organisation established for the promotion of health and safety principles, for the diffusion of...
世标认证 - 百度百科
世标认证/WSF是中国独家获得世界著名权威认可机构大洋洲认可委员会 (JAS-ANZ)认可,并经 中国合格评定国家认可委员会 (CNAS)认可,能够向同一组织同时颁发质量管理体系 (QMS)、 环境管理体系 (EMS)、 职业健康安全 管理体系 (OHSMS)和食品安全管理体系和医疗器械质量管理体系认证证书的“国际国内双认可、多证一体”的品牌认证机构。
WSF | Boating Safety Gurus (@watersportsfoundation) - Instagram
580 Followers, 112 Following, 130 Posts - WSF | Boating Safety Gurus (@watersportsfoundation) on Instagram: "Purveyors of safe boating news, tips and commentary. Proud U.S. Coast Guard allies. Life jacket fanatics. #lifejacket"