Ultra High Purity (UHP) stainless product solutions for microelectronics and semiconductor industries.
WSG CREST Stainless Steel Tubing - Banner Industries
WSG Crest is a leading manufacturer and supplier of meticulously precision-engineered tubular products using stainless steel and corrosion-resistant alloys. Their research and development team has been relentlessly focusing on perfecting weld-fortified, welded-as-seam-less (WSL) and precision-drawn seamless products for the past 20 years.
2024年3月25日 · WSG于2016年取得ASME BPE管道管件双认证,WSG CREST BPE管道管件完全符合最新版ASME BPE标准,主要供应等级为SF1/SF4。 WSG洁净管道系统产品已大量应用于全球生物制药项目,包括配液系统、发酵系统、纯化水系统、注射水系统、纯蒸汽系统、生物反应器等。 BPE 产品应用于中国生物各大生物所、三星生物制剂、百济神州、复宏汉霖、万泰生物、艾美疫苗、凯莱英、礼来、辉瑞、GSK、MSD、Sanofi等项目。 02 WSG换热器管板和阀 …
WSG CREST - Overseas Sales Manager - LinkedIn
2020年10月7日 · WSG is Korea’s leading manufacturer and supplier of meticulously precision-engineered tubular products using stainless steel and corrosion-resistant alloys. Our research and development team has...
- 职位: WSG CREST Overseas Sales …
- 人脉数: 5
WSG CREST > Corporate Profile > Corporate Strategy
WSG is Korea’s leading manufacturer and supplier of packaged product solutions for life sciences and biopharmaceutical industries and ultra high purity (UHP) stainless product solutions for microelectronics and semiconductor industries.
Life Sciences > ASME BPE Process Piping System - WSG CREST
CREST Hygienic Tube Products use the finest pre-materials from Korea and Europe with full material integrity and produced as welded-as-seam-less (WSL)
WSG CREST不锈钢管|旗帜行业:旗帜行业 - spstock.com
WSG CREST is a leading manufacturer and supplier of precision-engineered tubing using stainless steel and corrosion-resistant alloys.
WSG - LinkedIn
WSG is Korea's largest manufacturer of bioprocess solutions for biopharmaceutical industries and cellualr agriculture and ultra high-purity stainless solutions for semiconductors. Experienced in...
源禧(上海)流体技术有限公司 - puriclean.com.cn
源禧流体是韩国 WSG 集团的中国总代理,全面负责WSG在中国及一带一路市场的销售与服务,2021年将WSG引进中国市场,全面推进ASME BPE管道管件和UHP超高纯产品在制药和半导体领域的应用。 WSG 是韩国领先的超纯不锈钢管道系统制造商,至今已有23年的超纯不锈钢产品制造经验。 2016年WSG取得ASME BPE认证(证书号:BPE-109),2024年1月取得中华人民共和国特种设备制造许可(证书号:TS2700H25-2028)。 公司坚持“铭求质量,竭诚服务”的宗旨, …
WSG CREST Stainless Steel Tubing - Banner Industries
Giving Back. We are proud to support a number of causes that have a personal connection to our team. We hope you’ll take a few moments to learn more about these special charitable organizations.