The AN/WSN-7B Marine Gyrocompass/Navigator - ion
Litton Marine Systems has developed a marine gyrocompass/navigator for the U.S. Navy which has been designated the AN/WSN-7B. It is a more reliable state-of-the-art strapdown, ring-laser gyro, based replacement for the WSN-2 gyrocompass, with the added requirement of being an inertial navigator with an accuracy of 1 nm in 24 hours.
ring laser gyro shipboard navigation | Military Aerospace
2020年10月8日 · The AN/WSN-7 is a self-contained, ring laser gyro inertial navigation system that senses ship motions, computes the ship's precise position, velocity, attitude, heading, and rates in digital and...
Litton Marine blends technologies to create affordable new …
2000年10月1日 · The new WSN-7B, which blends technologies from the Litton Marine AN/WSN-7 and from two less-accurate export versions, the MK 39 and MK 49, is reducing maintenance costs and enabling Litton...
国产军用惯性导航:各军种装备广泛应用,市场空间超过百亿-传感 …
2020年10月21日 · 美国舰船用惯导从液浮平台式惯导发展为激光捷联式惯导,目前 an/wsn-7 系列激光陀螺仪惯导系统已经装备美国海军除弹道导弹核潜艇以外的所有舰艇,该系统在没有 gps 辅助信息的情况下能够提供 14 天的导航能力。
The AN/WSN-7B Marine Gyrocompass/Navigator - 百度学术
Litton Marine Systems has developed a marine gyrocompass/navigator for the U.S. Navy which has been designated the AN/WSN-7B. It is a more reliable state-of-the-art strapdown, ring-laser gyro, based replacement for the WSN-2 gyrocompass, with the added requirement of being an inertial navigator with an accuracy of 1 nm in 24 hours.
国外激光陀螺的发展与应用 - 搜狐
2017年11月30日 · wsn-7a系统已经替代了一部分达到服役期限的静电陀螺系统,成为美军水面舰艇和攻击型核潜艇(包括ssgn俄亥俄级巡航导弹核潜艇)的新一代惯导系统,只有战略导弹核潜艇仍在使用静电陀螺系统。
导航定位技术——旋转调制技术的原理及应用 - 百度文库
20世纪80年代,Sperry公司开始了机械抖动激光陀螺单轴旋转惯导系统的研制, 90年代发展了MK39Mod3C单轴旋转系统,随后改进实现了WSN-7B单轴旋转系 统,经测试具有0.6n mile/24h的平均位置精度。
The AN/WSN-7B Marine Gyrocompass/Navigator - Semantic …
2000年1月28日 · In this paper, we aim to investigate the lift/drag characteristics for the… Calibration and compensation techniques are essential to improve the accuracy of the strap-down inertial navigation system. Especially for the new uniaxial …
The Navy is using laser gyroscope tech to navigate in GPS-denied ...
2017年9月19日 · Through a recent contract with Northrop Grumman, upgraded items for the AN/WSN-7B navigation system will be installed on Navy surface ships and submarines, according to the Department of Defense....
美国海军将激光陀螺技术用于GPS拒止环境导航 - 搜狐
2017年9月26日 · 为解决这一问题,美国海军正在利用改进的AN/WSN-7(V)环形激光陀螺技术,对其水面舰船的惯性导航系统进行升级。 据美国国防部称,按照近期美国海军向诺斯罗普· …
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