Backscatter wireless sensor network with WPT capabilities
Wireless sensor networks depend strongly on the battery duration, creating a passive sensor network scheme is one of the key strategies for IoT and or space oriented WSN systems. One of the possibilities for implementing this is to use backscatter radios, which uses a mechanism for switching the antenna load between two values and with that ...
Wireless Power Transfer in Wirelessly Powered Sensor Networks: A …
2022年4月12日 · Wirelessly powered sensor networks (WPSNs), which would eliminate the need for regular battery replacement and improve the overall lifetime of sensor nodes, are the most promising solution to efficiently address the limited battery life of the sensor nodes.
Wireless Charging Energy-Relay Scheme for Wireless Sensor …
Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) is a promising technique to alleviate the energy sustainment issue of WSN. WPT enables WSN playing significant roles in smart farmland, intelligent factory and smart city.
2022年4月30日 · 本文介绍了无线功率传输的三种主要技术:WPT(无线功率传输),WPCN(无线供电通信网络)和SWIPT(无线携能传输)。 WPT专注于能量传递,WPCN中能量与通信由不同器件完成,而SWIPT则实现了信息和能量的同步传输。 这些技术在物联网和未来智能设备中具有广泛应用前景。 WPT:Wireless power transfer,无线功率传输。 无信息传输。 WPCN:Wireless-powered communication network,无线供电的通信网络。 TX传输能量信 …
Cooperative-Evolution-Based WPT Resource Allocation for …
In this article, we aim to optimize the power allocation strategy in priority constraint WPT systems with a large number of wireless nodes. Traditional WPT systems consist of a rechargeable WSN and a mobile charger, which are deployed for charging wireless nodes in a wireless manner.
WSN 中基于无线功率传输的能量重新分配的能量损失最小化
通过在无线传感器网络 (WSN) 中的节点之间实现能量重新分配,无线功率传输 (WPT) 技术提供了一种延长 WSN 使用寿命的新方法,或者是构建感知 WSN 的基本模块。 在本文中,我们尝试解决底层基于WPT的能量再分配(WPTERD)问题,其目标是找到满足节点能量期望的能量传输计划,同时实现最小能量损失和最短时间跨度。 在本文中,我们提出了一种两步式的 WPTERD 方法,将其分为两个子问题,分别命名为 WPTERD-Egy 和 WPTERD-Time,分别关注能量损失和 …
联合WPT和MEC的无线传感网时延优化算法 - sjcj.nuaa.edu.cn
2025年2月23日 · 本文利用无线电能传输(Wireless power transmission, WPT)和多接入边缘计算(Multi-access edge computing, MEC)技术,在传感器节点能耗受限的情况下,通过联合优化节点卸载决策、无线供电时长和带宽资源分配,最大限度地降低了传感器节点的任务平均完成时延。
Study of complete WPT system for WSN applications at low …
2010年4月15日 · The simulation of a complete system of wireless power transportation (WPT) is presented and used to supply an energy module for wireless sensors. For the optimisation process, the different circuit blocks (antennas, medium, rectifier and DC-DC converter) and their constraints were listed.
2023年10月25日 · WPT、SWIPT、WPCN的区别. WPT:Wireless power transfer,无线功率传输。无信息传输。 WPCN:Wireless-powered communication network,无线供电的通信网络。TX传输能量信号,用户采用收集得到能量主动传输数据。(传信者与传能者为不同器件)
Efficient Energy Supply Using Mobile Charger for Solar-Powered …
2019年6月13日 · WPT is a technique that transmits energy to a device wirelessly; it has been used recently in environment where it is difficult to connect devices by using wires. There are three WPT-based wireless charging methods, as discussed earlier: inductive coupling, magnetic resonance coupling, and RF.