WSNS - Audiovisual Identity Database
Founded in 1970, it initially aired news headlines before evolving into an independent station with movies and sports. In 1980, it became the local outlet for ON TV, a subscription service, which ended in 1985 due to the rise of cable TV.
WSN‐DS: A Dataset for Intrusion Detection ... - Wiley Online Library
2016年9月29日 · To ensure the security and dependability of WSN services, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) should be in place. This IDS has to be compatible with the characteristics of WSNs and capable of detecting the largest possible number of security threats.
LT-FS-ID: Intrusion detection in WSNs
2022年3月8日 · from ucimlrepo import fetch_ucirepo # fetch dataset lt_fs_id_intrusion_detection_in_wsns = fetch_ucirepo(id=715) # data (as pandas dataframes) X = lt_fs_id_intrusion_detection_in_wsns.data.features y = lt_fs_id_intrusion_detection_in_wsns.data.targets # metadata print(lt_fs_id_intrusion_detection_in_wsns.metadata) # variable information print ...
An Enhanced Intrusion Detection Model Based on Improved kNN in WSNs …
2022年2月11日 · In this paper, we propose a WSN intelligent intrusion detection model, through the introduction of the k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm (kNN) in machine learning and the introduction of the arithmetic optimization algorithm (AOA) in evolutionary calculation, to form an edge intelligence framework that specifically performs the intrusion detection wh...
A dataset for intrusion detection systems in wireless sensor networks
We use a specialized dataset WSN-DS in order to classify four types of DoS attacks : Blackhole, Grayhole, Flooding, and Scheduling among normal network traffic.
FF-ANN-ID: Intrusion detection in WSNs - Papers with Code
FF-ANN-ID: Intrusion detection in WSNs Introduced by Singh et al. in A deep learning approach to predict the number of k-barriers for intrusion detection over a circular region using wireless sensor networks
WSN-DS:无线传感器网络中入侵检测系统的数据集,Journal of …
2016年1月1日 · 为了确保WSN服务的安全性和可靠性,应建立入侵检测系统(IDS)。 该IDS必须与WSN的特性兼容,并且能够检测到最大数量的安全威胁。 本文为WSN开发了专门的数据集,以帮助更好地检测和分类拒绝服务(DoS)攻击的四种类型:黑洞,灰洞,泛洪和调度攻击。 本文考虑使用LEACH协议,它是WSN中最流行的分层路由协议之一。 已经定义了一种从网络模拟器2(NS-2)收集数据的方案,然后对其进行处理以产生23个功能。 收集的数据集称为WSN-DS …
Features of the WSN-DS Dataset. | Download Scientific Diagram
The authors (Ifzarne, Tabbaa, Hafidi, & Lamghari, 2021) have presented the ID-GOPA intrusion detection model for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). This methodology was created with the explicit...
【无线传感器网络 (WSNs)】智能路由协议——一种实用的无线传 …
2023年6月15日 · 无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Networks, WSNs)是由大量微型传感器节点构成的自组织网络,这些节点通过无线通信方式协同工作,收集环境或监测区域的数据。
神经网络 深度学习 数据集_lt+fs+id+intrusion+detection+in+wsns …
2019年10月29日 · 在这一节中,我们介绍了 PyTorch 中的Dataset和DataLoader,以及如何使用它们来管理和加载数据。 我们还展示了如何使用DataLoader进行批量训练,并测量了训练时间。 通过这些方法,我们可以更高效地处理和加载数据,为模型训练提供支持。 将所有图片的路径已经分布位置,弄出来统计按照分类列表分别存起来,最后计算每个类别的范围L,将L分为3个部分,中间部分假设为真是分布 边缘部分在数据多的情况下去掉,如果数据少可以将边缘部再分几部分,去掉边 …