Power continuous innovation and create unique digital experiences by connecting anything to anything with the AI-powered WSO2 Integration Platform. Break down data silos, boost productivity, and streamline workflows. Develop integrations in low-code and pro-code, and deploy them anywhere in a microservice or ESB-style architecture.
WSO2 Identity Server 使用教程 - CSDN博客
2024年10月9日 · WSO2 Identity Server 是一个开源的身份和访问管理(IAM)解决方案,支持跨企业和云服务环境的身份联合和管理。 它支持多种认证协议,如 SAML 2.0 Web SSO、OpenID、OAuth 2.0、OpenID Connect 和 WS-Federation Passive。 此外,它还支持基于角色的授权和细粒度的授权(XACML 2.0/3.0),并通过 SCIM 支持入站和出站预配。 WSO2 Identity Server 基于 WSO2 Carbon 框架构建,所有主要功能都作为可插拔的 Carbon 组件开发。 身份联合:支持跨 …
2018年8月2日 · WSO2 API Manager是一个完整的解决方案,用于设计和发布API,创建和管理开发人员社区,以及以可扩展的方式保护和路由API流量。 它利用来自WSO2平台的成熟 组件 来保护,集成和管理API。 此外,它还与WSO2分析平台集成, 提供现成的报告和警报,让您即时了 …
WSO2 EI 最全操作手册 - CSDN博客
WSO2 ESB是一个轻量级的易于使用的企业服务资源总au线,基于Apache Software License v2.0. WSO2 ESB 允许系统管理员和SOA架构师轻松的配置消息路由, 虚拟化, 中介, 转换, 日志记录, 任务调度, 负载均衡, 失败路由, 事件中介等等.
Install - WSO2 Identity Server
Follow the instructions below to install WSO2 Identity Server on Linux or Mac OS X. Log in to the command line (Terminal on Mac). Ensure that your system meets the Installation Prerequisites. Java Development Kit (JDK) is essential to run the product. Download the …
Install in Docker - WSO2 API Manager Documentation 4.1.0
Install Docker by following the instructions provided in here. WSO2 provides open source Docker images to run WSO2 Streaming Integrator in Docker Hub. You can view these images In Docker Hub - WSO2. To pull the required WSO2 Streaming Integrator distribution with updates from the Docker image, issue the following command.
Architecture - WSO2 API Manager Documentation 4.4.0
WSO2 API Manager supports OAuth 2.0, Basic Auth, Mutual SSL as well as API-Key based authentication mechanisms. In WSO2 API Manager, tokens are generated for an application.
Modernize Your User Access, Future-Proof Your Business - WSO2
WSO2 Identity Server is a modern, open source access management solution that keeps you ahead of evolving threats and business needs. WSO2’s AI-assisted, API-centric approach ensures your identity infrastructure supports your business growth now and in the future.
WSO2学习:如何安装和启动WSO2 Micro Integrator-CSDN博客
2024年11月19日 · 配置WSO2 Micro Integrator的管理控制台涉及几个步骤,包括启用管理控制台、配置安全性和访问管理控制台。 以下是详细的配置步骤:
WSO2 - Wikipedia
WSO2 LLC is an open-source technology provider founded in 2005. It delivers software and cloud solutions that provide foundational technologies for application development and identity and access management (IAM). [4] .
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