The WPSD Project - W0CHP.radio
WPSD is a next-generation digital voice software suite & distribution for amateur radio use, enjoyed by many thousands of hams around the globe. It is used for personal hotspots and repeaters alike. It supports M17, DMR, D-Star, Yaesu System Fusion (YSF/C4FM), P25, NXDN digital voice modes & POCSAG data/paging.
THE WPSD PROJECT 官网发布说明与下载地址 - MMDVM中文学习 …
2023年12月31日 · WPSD is a next-generation, digital voice software suite for amateur radio use. It is used for personal hotspots and repeaters alike. It supports M17, DMR, D-Star, Yaesu System Fusion (YSF/C4FM), P25, NXDN digital voice modes & POCSAG data/paging.
WPSD Software Project FAQs and FMS - W0CHP.radio
2016年4月8日 · Many repeated questions and statements have surfaced as WPSD grows in world-wide usage, so the following is a compiled list of the FAQs and FMS we have gathered over time… “Is there a user manual?” Yes there is, and you can view the WPSD User Manual online. (Note: this is new’ish and is a work-in-progress. Contributors welcome!)
Repairable Items - tpub.com
The Weapons System Planning Document (WSPD) is a policy and planning document produced by NAVAIR. The WSPD provides the guidance necessary for the acquisition and logistics support of naval aircraft. The WSPD provides the number of aircraft at each site, levels of maintenance capability, pack-up requirements, carrier schedules, rotational ...
Aviation Consolidated Allowance List - tpub.com
Order and Shipping Time (OST) is the interval between the time a stock point processes a stock replenishment requisition to a supplier and receipt of an NAVICP (supplier) in-stock item. The OST is currently fixed at 17 days.
【MMDVM】树莓派安装WPSD系统 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年12月10日 · WPSD系统支持树莓派 (Zero W、Zero 2W、2B、3B、4B),以及Orange Pi Zero、Nano Pi Neo等,详细支持列表请看官网; 本教程基于树莓派系列 (Zero W、Zero 2W、2B、3B、4B)。 *如果已经用了Pi-Star系统,请把必要的设置项用纸笔或其它形式记录下来备用。 因为WPSD系统不支持导入Pi-Star的设置备份文件。 SD卡不需要太大的,容量4GB,Class 10规格的足够了; 格式化SD卡,推荐使用SD Card Formatter, 下载地 …
Projects – M17 Foundation
WPSD is a next-generation digital voice software suite & distribution for amateur radio use, enjoyed by many thousands of hams around the globe. It is used for personal hotspots and repeaters alike. It supports M17, DMR, D-Star, Yaesu System Fusion (YSF/C4FM), P25, NXDN digital voice modes & POCSAG data/paging.
Problems with Zumspot and WPSD - RadioReference.com Forums
2024年10月14日 · After reloading my Zumspot with WSPD, the red light stays on constantly. When I google that it says: Board not found in Pi-Star or not working in a particular mode. Go to Configuration -> Modem and make sure that “ ZUMspot RPi GPIO” has been selected.
Learning about WPSD – MMDVM.com
2023年11月2日 · WPSD is a tool for digital voice enthusiasts to manage their digital communications. It is a progression of the Pi-Star and MMDVM projects. It was originally created for power users to experiment with the latest updates in MMDVM, but has progressed to a point where all users can take advantage of what it offers.
Boot Order of Operation on a New WPSD Installation
2023年11月12日 · This document describes the order of operation once a fresh WPSD SD Card is inserted into a device and boots up. This helps set expectations when installing WPSD on a fresh SD Card… Generate new SSH keys; resource-intensive; takes time on weak hardware. Auto-expand SD Card/file system to use all available space. Auto-reboot.