WSS – 波长选择交换机 | Coherent 高意
长使用寿命 WSS 模块基于我们专有的 LightFlow™ 技术,没有移动部件,并且符合 Telcordia 标准。 它们具有低插入损耗、宽动态范围、高通道数、低偏振相关损耗和极低功耗的特点。
WSS – Wavelength Selective Switches | Coherent
Switch, attenuate, or block individual wavelengths using these WSS products. Choose standard or custom models, with up to N colorless ports. Professor Jessica Houston’s research group at New Mexico State University investigates the unique ways in which time-resolved measurements can be used in flow cytometry.
关于ROADM的入门科普 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
WSS,就是波长选择开关(Wavelength Selective Switch)。它的端口结构为1×K(1进K出),拥有一个输入端口和K个输出端口。WSS采用光开关阵列,可以将波长信号分插到任意通道进行传输。 WSS波长选择开关. 也就是说,基于WSS,可以实现端口的任意指配,具有很高的自由 ...
TrueFlex Twin High Port Count Wavelength Selective Switch (Twin WSS ...
The Twin WSS integrates two discrete high-performance switching elements into a single compact package and control interface. Software control allows the WSS to be configured for 1xN connectivity to multiple express route “degrees” or for termination to both conventional direct-detect and next-generation coherent transceivers.
Software control allows the WSS to be configured for 1xN connectivity to multiple express route “degrees” or for termination to both conventional direct-detect and next-generation coherent transceivers. Termination ports are colorless in both the drop and add directions, simplifying cabling and avoiding the need for manual reconfiguration.
技术专题:波长选择开光(WSS)_光纤在线 - 和我们一起塑造中 …
图6所示的基于wss技术的roadm系统分别由一个1×n和一个n×1的wss模块构成。 其中1×N 的WSS能够将输入端口的波分复用信号中的任意波长组合输出到任意输出端口上;相反,N×1 型WSS可以将任意一个输入端口的光信号选择任意波长组合与其他输入端口的波长组合合并后 ...
Single Wavelength Selective Switch (WSS) Features Configurations: 1xN WSS, N ≤ 20 Flexgrid® Dynamic Channel Width Control (fully ITU flexible grid G.694.1 compliant) 6.25 GHz Width Resolution (default, 3.125GHz optional) No constraints on the spectrum allocated to a super-channel Hitless channel widening,
TrueFlex Twin 1x35 Wavelength Selective Switch (Twin 1x35 WSS…
The Twin WSS integrates two discrete high-performance switching elements into a single compact package and control interface. Software control allows the WSS to be configured for 1xN connectivity to multiple express route “degrees” or for termination to both conventional direct-detect and next-generation coherent transceivers.
LUMENTUM 50GHz 1xN WSS波长选择开关WSSIC50N19MV01 …
WSS可用于光路保护、可重新配置的分插(ROADM)和光交叉连接(OXC)应用的动态波长路由。WSS模块也可以用作1xN设备,用于光分接应用。 基于我们专有的LightFlow™ WSS模块具有低插入损耗、宽动态范围、高信道数、低偏振相关损耗和极低功耗的特点。
1×N端口MEMS光开关的工作原理及应用_1*9 wss-CSDN博客
2019年12月13日 · 互联网应用的快速发展推动了基于roadm技术的智能光网络的建设,新一代的cdc(无色、无方向性和无竞争)roadm,其主流技术方案是1×n端口wss (波长选择开关)+ n×m端口wss,或者1×n端口wss+n×m端口mcs(多播开关),如图1所示。