Student Clubs | School of Electrical Engineering & Computer …
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) The Association for Computing Machinery is the WSU chapter of the national ACM society. The ACM is dedicated to preparing EECS majors for professional careers by hosting workshops, interview prep, and industry talk events.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - wsu.presence.io
The Association for Computing Machinery is the WSU chapter of the national ACM society. The ACM is dedicated to preparing EECS for professional careers by hosting workshops, interview prep, and industry talk events.
Join a Student Club - Voiland College Student Success
The Association for Computing Machinery is the WSU chapter of the national ACM society. The ACM is dedicated to preparing EECS majors for professional careers by hosting workshops, interview prep, and industry talk events. Annually, the ACM hosts the CrimsonCode Hackathon, the largest Hackathon put on at WSU Pullman with around 300 participants.
Involve - Modern Campus
The ACM WSU Chapter is a vibrant student club that serves as a hub for enthusiastic computer science students to connect. We are dedicated to fostering a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about all things tech.
CrimsonCode 2025 | Major League Hacking - events.mlh.io
Welcome to CrimsonCode Hackathon 2025, Washington State University’s premier annual software engineering showdown! Hosted by the WSU's Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), this hackathon i...
WSU - CougHacks
Coughacks is an annual, 24-hour hackathon hosted at the WSU Everett Campus and organized by our local ACM chapter. The event brings together students and professionals from across the North West region to develop applications oriented around a common theme.
Clubs and Teams | info.encs | Washington State University
Computer Science – ACM-W The ACM-W Club provides access to tech talks, boot camps and more for students interested in computer science, programming and cyber security. Meeting Tuesdays, 3 – 4 p.m. VECS 225
ACM WSU Chapter - Facebook
Learn more about The Association for Computing Machinery at Washington State University. Membership of this club consists of students who are passionate about Computer Science and Engineering at WSU. The ACM strives to provide students with the tools and knowledge to succeed in securing and internship or a job upon graduation.
CrimsonCode Hackathon: Dream. Think. Learn. Explore. Teach.
2025年2月15日 · Hosted by the Washington State University's Association of Computing Machinery, we're thrilled to announce the CrimsonCode Hackathon 2024! This dynamic, 24-hour coding marathon is an exhilarating opportunity for coders, developers, and tech enthusiasts to come together and innovate.
WSU joins ACM open-access publishing model
2020年7月13日 · Washington State University has joined an open-access publishing model with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society. The agreement will ensure that articles and proceedings papers authored by WSU-affiliated personnel are published under an open-access license.