澳大利亚“水敏感城市设计” - 知乎专栏
水敏感城市设计即WaterSensitive Urban Design,简称WSUD,旨在通过在城市到场地的不同空间尺度上将城市规划和设计与供水、污水、雨水、地下水等设施结合起来,使城市规划和城市水循环管理有机结合并达到最优化。这与我国目前大力提倡的“海绵城市”有着 ...
Introduction to WSUD - Melbourne Water
Water sensitive urban design (WSUD) uses better urban planning and design to reuse stormwater, stopping it from reaching our waterways by mimicking the natural water cycle as closely as possible. WSUD works at all levels – lot, street and precinct – as well as regional scales. It includes a range of treatment options.
Water-sensitive urban design - Wikipedia
Water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) is a land planning and engineering design approach which integrates the urban water cycle, including stormwater, groundwater, and wastewater management and water supply, into urban design to minimise environmental degradation and improve aesthetic and recreational appeal. [1]
Planning requirements for Water Sensitive Urban Design
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is the design of buildings, subdivisions and works to minimise the impact of development on the surrounding environment and waterways. WSUD involves treating and reducing stormwater flows, increasing soil moisture, urban greening and providing an alternative water source.
Water Sensitive Urban Design - City of Melbourne
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) aims to create urban environments that allow the water cycle to function as it would naturally, reducing the impact of development on the water cycle. Many different types of WSUD are used to reduce the volume of stormwater and pollution that enters our waterways.
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) forms an important part of integrated water management. Innovative stormwater management, such as WSUD, can contribute greatly to sustainability and liveability, particularly when considered as part of an overall urban strategy. Councils recognise the importance of stormwater management and are striving for more
(PDF) Water Sensitive Urban Design - ResearchGate
2019年4月1日 · Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is the interdisciplinary cooperation of water management, urban design, and landscape planning. WSUD develops integrative...
Water Sensitive Urban Design
2024年6月11日 · Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) provides an innovative approach that integrates urban planning and design with sustainable practices for water management. By mimicking natural water cycles, WSUD aims to minimize the negative impacts of urban development on water resources and ecosystems while …
Water Sensitive Urban Design: A Comprehensive Guide
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is an innovative approach to urban planning and design that aims to integrate water cycle management into urban development. This approach recognizes the significance of water in urban areas and seeks to minimize the negative impacts of urbanization on the natural water cycle.
WSUD Design Guidelines and Data Needs - ScienceDirect
2019年1月1日 · WSUD measures for different types and scale of development, designing a WSUD strategy for your development, demand reduction, rainwater tanks, rain gardens, green roofs, and infiltration systems (soakaways; infiltration trenches; infiltration basins; and leaky wells), pervious pavements, urban water harvesting and reuse, gross pollutant traps ...