Ultrafast charge transfer in mixed-dimensional WO3-x nanowire/WSe2 …
2023年5月11日 · Here, the authors report the synthesis of 1D/2D WO3-x/WSe2 heterostructures, showing high molecular sensitivity associated to ultrafast charge transfer timescales of ~1 ps.
WO3–WS2 Vertical Bilayer Heterostructures with High …
2019年7月12日 · Here, we present a direct physical vapor growth of WO 3 –WS 2 bilayer heterostructures, with WO 3 monolayer domains attached on the surface of large-size WS 2 monolayers.
Well-controlled preparation of WO3-x/WSe2 sponges by electric …
2024年2月1日 · We present an electric field-assisted laser-induced plasma deposition method to prepare WO 3-x/ WSe 2 sponges for water-induced electricity generation. By adjusting the electric field strength, we are able to control the porosity, Se vacancies, and O doping of the sponges.
Ternary Nanohybrids Comprising N-Doped Graphene and WSe2–WO3 …
2021年12月6日 · In this study, we demonstrated a strategy for fabricating unique 2D ternary nanohybrids comprising N-doped graphene (NG) and in-plane WSe 2 –WO 3 (W–W) heterojunction nanosheets (NG/W–Ws) through heat treatment/oxidation processes using a graphene/PANI/WSe 2 precursor.
Comparative study of WSe2 thin films synthesized via pre-deposited WO3 ...
2022年9月1日 · Chemical vapor transport synthesis of WSe 2 from pre-deposited WO 3 and W precursor films. Surface morphology and structure of as-prepared WSe 2 films were studied and compared. Two-terminal photoconductor devices were fabricated and characterized.
Large-area synthesis of WSe2 from WO3 by selenium–oxygen
2015年1月13日 · In this work, we demonstrate a scalable, reproducible method for the synthesis of large-area, atomic-layered WSe 2 via selenization of hexagonally stabilized WO 3 and provide evidence that this technique produces highly uniform films with thermal properties comparable to the lowest reported values for WSe 2.
Highly oriented WSe2 thin films prepared by selenization of evaporated WO3
1994年6月1日 · Thin films of WSe 2 were prepared by high temperature selenization of vacuum evaporated WO 3 films on quartz in an open tube furnace. The films were investigated by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and optical absorption. They were found to consist of the hexagonal 2H phase.
Multi-gate memristive synapses realized with the lateral ...
The development of novel synaptic device architectures with a high order of synaptic plasticity can provide a breakthrough toward neuromorphic computing. Herein, through the thermal oxidation of two-dimensional (2D) WSe2, unique memristive synapses based on the lateral heterostructure of 2D WSe2 and WO3, wit
Ultrafast charge transfer in mixed-dimensional WO3-x nanowire/WSe2 …
2023年5月11日 · Developing efficient noble-metal-free surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates and unveiling the underlying mechanism is crucial for ultrasensitive molecular sensing. Herein, we report a facile synthesis of mixed-dimensional heterostructures via oxygen plasma treatments of two-dimensional (2D) materials.
湖南大学JACS: 垂直双层WO3−WS2异质结具有高光致发光量子产 …
近日, 湖南大学潘安练教授(通讯作者) 课题组通过直接的物理气相沉积法获得了具有高荧光量子产率双层WO 3 −WS 2 异质结,通过对所合成的WO 3 −WS 2 异质结的光学特性进行了研究,结果表明,所得到异质结的PLQY可以达到11.6%,比相同的物理气相沉积法(PVD-WS 2)生长的单层WS 2 高2个数量级、是机械剥离的单层WS 2 (ME-WS 2)的13倍。 相关成果以“ WO3−WS2 Vertical Bilayer Heterostructures with High Photoluminescence Quantum Yield ”为标题发表于 …