WTBU Radio - Boston University
5 天之前 · WTBU, the Beat of Boston University. BU's student led and student-run radio station featuring Terriers live on-air 7 days a week 20 hours a day, music reviews, sports, news, and more music content.
武汉工商学院教学管理信息系统 - WTBU
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武汉工商学院,创建于2002年,是经教育部批准的全日制普通本科高校。 是湖北省首批高等学校创新能力提升计划(2011计划)培育单位、湖北省转型发展试点本科高校。
信息门户 - WTBU
武汉工商学院,创建于2002年,是经教育部批准的全日制普通本科高校。 是湖北省首批高等学校创新能力提升计划(2011计划)培育单位、湖北省转型发展试点本科高校。
WTBU (Boston University) - Wikipedia
WTBU (89.3 MHz) is a student-managed and -operated radio station at Boston University (BU). Under Title 47 CFR Part 15, it does not require a license, and operates legally under special "low power" rules (not to be confused with LPFM FCC licensed stations).
WTBU Radio | College of Communication - Boston University
WTBU is Boston University’s student radio station. Founded 1965, the station is entirely student staffed and managed. WTBU acts simultaneously as a fully operational radio station serving the student community and as an excellent training platform for students wishing to go into professional radio.
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2016年4月26日 · WTBU: The Beat of Boston University. WTBU, known as "The Beat of Boston University," is the university's student-run, volunteer radio station, broadcasting live 20 hours a day. Accessible primarily through its webcast, WTBU also transmits on 89.3 FM and 640 AM within the Boston area and on BU's cable channel 6 for on-campus listeners.