WTC 6, What happened there? - Metabunk
2013年11月20日 · Something I rarely to never see discussed, here or elsewhere, is WTC6, an adjacent building which suffered some extreme and very strange damage. As you can see in …
Was WTC6 Blown? | Metabunk
2012年9月10日 · Also there is a church and a bank building that was right beside WTC 2 and they did not collapse. So based on what I have read on how the fires caused WTC buildings to …
How could the planes wings penetrate the WTC? | Page 6
2021年10月23日 · Is that the restaurant on top, I don't think those are WTC load bearing columns, save the needed strength to survive hurricanes, high winds, hail, and big birds. It appears …
2019年9月3日 · World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) — a 47-story building that suffered a total collapse at 5:20 PM on September 11, 2001, following the horrible events of that morning. The …
WTC: Molten Steel - Was there any? Why? What About the Hot …
2019年3月9日 · The 1st animation was generated on a graphics engine similar to PS/2 title "Mercenary". The second and third are CONCRETE structures, the WTC was A36 structural …
Debunked: The WTC 9/11 Angle Cut Column. [Not Thermite, Cut …
2018年1月27日 · EDIT: Just some notes to help people clarify the perspective. This photo is taken from an angle very similar to that of the photo Mick last posted above, except that in this photo …
How much of the Smoke Around WTC7 actually from WTC7?
2013年11月20日 · There was clearly smoke from a number of buildings and remains of buildings. i.e. remains of 1 & 2 and also 5 & 6 which were all behind 7. The smoke can clearly be seen …
WTC Collapses: what type, weight, num, explosive, detonation
2014年5月3日 · sections of the building falling outward and impacting WTC buildings 6 and 7. This was not a glancing blow from extraneous material, rather thousands of tons of steel …
WTC 7 (Building 7) | Page 37 | Metabunk
2013年1月22日 · At around 6.40 you can see wtc 6 burning much more violently and that did not collapse. Click to expand... At 5.00 i see a lot of heavy black smoke pouring out of WTC7 and …
WTC 5 Damage vs WTC 7 Collapse | Metabunk
2013年10月6日 · I take it we are supposed to believe there is special significance to WTC 7? It isn't the only building which had a structural failure due to fire: "The major fire-induced collapse …