Dispute settlement in the World Trade Organization - Wikipedia
The dispute settlement mechanism in the WTO is one way in which trade is increased. [5] [6] [7] [8] Since 2019, the WTO's dispute settlement mechanism has been de facto paralysed due to the United States vetoing the appointment of judges to the WTO's Supreme Appellate Body, and without a functioning Appellate Body, no final rulings can be made.
世界贸易组织争端解决机制 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
争端解决机制 (英語: Dispute settlement)被 世界贸易组织 (WTO)视为多边 贸易体系 的中心支柱,并作为该组织的“对全球经济稳定的独特贡献”。 [1] 当一个成员国采取贸易政策措施或采取行动时,一个或多个成员国认为违反WTO协定或未能履行义务,则会发生争端。 加入世贸组织后,各成员国一致认为,如果他们认为成员违反贸易规则,他们将采用多边解决争端的制度,而不是单方面采取行动——这必须遵守商定的程序(Dispute Settlement Understanding)并尊重判 …
中国与世界贸易组织争端解决机制 - WTO/FTA咨询网
2015年10月21日 · 争端解决机制( dispute settlement mechanism,DSM) 是多边贸易体系的中心支柱和世界贸易组织( WTO) 对世界经济稳定最独特的贡献,自世界贸易组织运行以来,大量的案件也使得争端解决机制成为 WTO 最活跃的部分。
WTO争端解决机制 - 百度百科
WTO争端解决机制,是一种贸易争端解决机制,也是 WTO 不可缺少的一部分,是多边贸易机制的支柱,在 经济全球化 发展中颇具特色。 它具有统一性、效率性和强制性的特点。 它具有自己的原则、机构和解决程序。 WTO争端解决机制的内容:DSU协议运用司法管辖和外交磋商相结合的平衡体制。 DSU考虑到了1947年GATT充分磋商的做法,也考虑到了运用司法解决争端的重要性和必要性。 DSU鼓励各方通过外交途径的友好磋商解决争议。 在适用司法手段解决争端时,也保 …
WTO争端解决机制介绍 - WTO/FTA咨询网
2018年7月31日 · 争端解决是多边贸易体制的中心支柱,也是世界贸易组织对全球经济稳定的独特贡献。 在此,介绍WTO争端解决机制的原则、解决纠纷的时间、措施、案例等内容。 一、概述. 争端解决是多边贸易体制的中心支柱,也是世界贸易组织对全球经济稳定的独特贡献。 如果没有解决纠纷的手段,基于规则的系统将不太有效,因为规则无法执行。 世贸组织的程序凸显了法治,它使贸易体系更加安全和可预测。 该系统基于明确定义的规则,并附有完成案例的时间表。 首先 …
Most scholars, trade experts, and practitioners agree that the dispute settlement mechanism (DSM) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is one of the key elements that has contributed to the organization’s success by facilitating the exchange of goods and services
Dispute Settlement Mechanism under the WTO - Academike
2015年1月30日 · The paper deals with the dispute settlement mechanism of the WTO as outlined in the DSU (Dispute Settlement Understanding); the procedure as given under it is dealt with comprehensively along with a look at some of the disputes decided by the WTO and the legal effect of these decisions.
Dispute Settlement Mechanism—Analysis And Problems
2012年5月31日 · This article describes how the DSM works, notes the key differences from the older General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade dispute mechanism, and discusses some trends in WTO dispute settlement.
Introduction to the WTO Dispute Settlement System
It comprises agreements setting out a delicate and carefully achieved balance of rights and obligations for WTO members in respect of a vast array of measures affecting trade, such as tariffs, internal taxes, subsidies, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, intellectual property rights, and services, to name but a few.
Dispute Settlement Mechanism under WTO - iPleaders
2020年4月9日 · WTO, in the form of Dispute Settlement Undertaking (DSU), provides an instrument for the settling of trade disputes between the parties. The dispute generally arises when any member country violates any provision of WTO agreement which other member countries think unreasonable.