World Trade Organization - Home page - Global trade
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世界贸易组织 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
世界貿易組織(簡稱世貿組織或世貿;英語: World Trade Organization ,縮寫為 WTO;法語: Organisation Mondiale du Commerce ,縮寫為 OMC;西班牙語: Organización Mundial del Comercio ,縮寫為 OMC)是一个政府间国际组织,总部位于瑞士 日内瓦, [5] 负责监管和促进国 …
WTO Global Trade Data Portal
Your entry point into WTO trade data, real-time trade data and trade data from other sources.
世界貿易組織 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
2025年2月14日 · 世界貿易組織 (簡稱 世貿組織 或 世貿;英語: World Trade Organization, 縮寫 為 WTO;法語: Organisation Mondiale du Commerce,縮寫為 OMC;西班牙語: Organización Mundial del Comercio,縮寫為 OMC)是一個政府間 國際組織,總部位於 瑞士 日內瓦, [5] 負責監管和促進 國際貿易。 [6] 各國政府利用該組織與 聯合國系統 合作,制定、修訂和執行國際貿易規則。 [7] 世貿組織是世界上最大的國際經濟組織,有166個成員國,占全球貿易 …
世界贸易组织 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年2月14日 · 世界贸易组织 (简称 世贸组织 或 世贸;英语: World Trade Organization, 缩写 为 WTO;法语: Organisation Mondiale du Commerce,缩写为 OMC;西班牙语: Organización Mundial del Comercio,缩写为 OMC)是一个政府间 国际组织,总部位于 瑞士 日内瓦, [5] 负责监管和促进 国际贸易。 [6] 各国政府利用该组织与 联合国系统 合作,制定、修订和执行国际贸易规则。 [7] 世贸组织是世界上最大的国际经济组织,有166个成员国,占全球贸易 …
WTO Tariff & Trade Data
4 天之前 · Access official WTO tariff and trade data for over 170 economies. Explore applied tariffs, bound duties, import/export trends, and compare trade relationships with the most detailed global database. Download raw data for further analysis.
WTO Data – Information on trade and trade policy measures
WTO Data - Information on trade and trade policy measures. The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the global rules of trade. This portal gives access to a selection of key databases offering statistics and information on different trade …
World Trade Organization - Wikipedia
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an intergovernmental organization headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland [6] that regulates and facilitates international trade. [7] Governments use the organization to establish, revise, and enforce the rules that govern international trade in cooperation with the United Nations System.
WTO | Tariff Download Facility: WTO tariff data base
This information is sourced from submissions made to the WTO Integrated Data Base (IDB) for applied tariffs and imports and from the Consolidated Tariff Schedules (CTS) database for the bound duties of all WTO Members. The information contained in this database complements the summary tariff statistics published in the World Tariff Profiles ...
Global Trade Outlook and Statistics | WTO iLibrary
The WTO’s “Global Trade Outlook and Statistics” analyses recent global trade developments up to the fourth quarter of 2023 and presents the organization’s forecasts for world trade in 2024 and 2025. Breakdowns of merchandise and commercial services trade by sector and region are provided, together with details on leading traders.
Understanding the WTO | WTO iLibrary
It is an organization for trade opening. It is a forum for governments to negotiate trade agreements. It is a place for them to settle trade disputes. It operates a system of trade rules. Essentially, the WTO is a place where member governments try to sort out the trade problems they face with each other.
WCO organizes a session at the WTO Public Forum 2024: …
2024年9月13日 · Under the umbrella of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Public Forum 2024 (PF24), the World Customs Organization (WCO) hosted a panel session on 12 September 2024 focusing on digitalization, Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs), Single Window and Authorized Economic Operators (AEOs).
Données de l'OMC - Informations sur le commerce et les mesures …
Le portail WTO Stats contient des indicateurs statistiques liés aux questions de l'OMC. Les séries chronologiques disponibles couvrent les statistiques du commerce de marchandises et du commerce des services (annuelles, trimestrielles et mensuelles), les indicateurs d'accès au marché (tarifs consolidés, appliqués et préférentiels), les ...
WTO explained - YouTube
The World Trade Organization’s mission, functions and more, explained by our senior management. ...more. Featuring: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Angela Ellard, Johanna Hill, Xiangchen Zhang, Jean Marie...
WTO iLibrary
The WTO iLibrary brings together, for the first time, into one self-contained area all the WTO's key research material on global trade. We invite you to explore WTO iLibrary and discover the content from the World Trade Organization.
The World Trade Organization: The Appellate Body Crisis
2018年10月23日 · For nearly 25 years, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has played a crucial role in mediating international trade disputes. The WTO’s dispute settlement system has largely prevented damaging cycles of tariffs and retaliation outside internationally agreed upon …
TMDB Home @ WTO - Open Trade Data Portal - World Trade …
The WTO Director-General's annual overview of global trade developments shows a sharp rise in the coverage of trade-restrictive measures by WTO members between mid-October 2023 and mid-October 2024, compared to the last Trade Monitoring Report in November 2023.
世界贸易组织争端解决机制 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
争端解决机制 (英語: Dispute settlement)被 世界贸易组织 (WTO)视为多边 贸易体系 的中心支柱,并作为该组织的“对全球经济稳定的独特贡献”。 [1] 当一个成员国采取贸易政策措施或采取行动时,一个或多个成员国认为违反WTO协定或未能履行义务,则会发生争端。 加入世贸组织后,各成员国一致认为,如果他们认为成员违反贸易规则,他们将采用多边解决争端的制度,而不是单方面采取行动——这必须遵守商定的程序(Dispute Settlement Understanding)并尊重判 …
OMG - Chapter 13 - wto.to
OMG - Chapter 13 : Hiro is an incredibly unlucky boy beyond imagination. When he thought his series of misfortunes couldn't get any worse, a mysterious muscled man appeared before him and proclaimed “I AM A GOD” to Satou. From that moment …
Global trade is fragmenting. The WTO must make a stronger case …
2024年2月28日 · The WTO's 13th Ministerial Conference is meeting at a time when geopolitical rivalry and protectionism are threatening the gains of globalization. Trade leaders must address the underlying issues: that free trade is no longer a …