UN Tourism | Bringing the world closer
Enhancing the well-being of individuals, safeguarding the natural environment, stimulating economic advancement, and fostering international harmony are key goals that are the fundamental essence of UN Tourism. The organization takes on the role of driving a sustainable force that is now central to many economies.
Sustainable development - UNWTO
Sustainability principles refer to the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development, and a suitable balance must be established between these three dimensions to guarantee its long-term sustainability. Thus, sustainable tourism should:
UNWTO Elibrary
The UN Tourism Elibrary is an online service from the World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism) with a broad coverage of tourism and related subject areas.
UNWTO Tourism Definitions | Définitions du tourisme de l’OMT ...
2025年2月17日 · It is aimed that these operational definitions provide UNWTO members and other tourism stakeholders with a comprehensive and concise, operational, applicable and globally relevant conceptual framework on some concepts used in the tourism value chain and on some selected tourism types to set the scene and contribute to establish a common ground f...
World Tourism Organization - Tourism Statistics
Get the latest and most up-to-date tourism statistics for all the countries and regions around the world. Data on inbound, domestic and outbound tourism is available, as well as on tourism industries, employment and complementary indicators. All statistical tables available are displayed and can be accessed individually.
联合国旅游组织 - 百度百科
联合国旅游组织 (UN Tourism) 是 联合国 系统的 政府间国际组织,是旅游领域的领导性国际组织。 最早由国际官方旅游宣传组织联盟(IUOTPO)发展而来。 2003年11月成为联合国的专门机构。 160个正式会员国和6个联系成员 [1] [16]。 其宗旨是促进和发展旅游事业,使之有利于经济发展、国际间相互了解、和平与繁荣。 总部设在 西班牙 马德里。 [2] 2024年1月,世界旅游组织更名为联合国旅游组织。 [20] 1898年设立旅游协会的国际联盟。 1919年改称国际旅游同盟。 1925年5 …
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Under the concept of "liberalization with a human face", WTO - OMT stands ready to support the accelerating evolution of trade in tourism services - particularly in respect of development, sustainability and poverty alleviation.
UN Tourism - Wikipedia
The United Nations World Tourism Organization or UN Tourism (formerly UNWTO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations which promotes responsible, sustainable and universally-accessible tourism. Its headquarters are in Madrid, Spain.
UNWTO Tourism Definitions | Définitions du tourisme de l’OMT ...
It is aimed that these operational definitions provide UNWTO members and other tourism stakeholders with a comprehensive and concise, operational, applicable and globally relevant conceptual framework on some concepts used in the tourism value chain and on some selected tourism types to set the scene and contribute to establish a common ground f...
Tourism Statistics Database - UNWTO
UN Tourism systematically collects tourism statistics from countries and territories around the world in an extensive database that provides the most comprehensive repository of statistical information available on the tourism sector. You can explore the data available through the UN Tourism database below:
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