Panel Reports | WTO iLibrary
On 8 August 2023, the WTO circulated two panel reports in the cases brought by India and the United States in “United States — Certain Measures on Steel and Aluminium Products” (DS547) and “India — Additional Duties on Certain Products from the United States” (DS585).
WTO Dispute Settlement: One-Page Case Summaries
WTO Dispute Settlement: One-Page Case Summaries provides a succinct summary of the key findings of every dispute panel report up to the end of 2019 and, where applicable, the subsequent Appellate Body report. Each one-page summary comprises three sections: the …
WTO Panel Reports - WorldTradeLaw.net
In the table above, the adopted panel reports are listed separately from the appealed panel reports, with both links going to the single panel report document.
WTO Analytical Index - WTO iLibrary
The "WTO Analytical Index" is a comprehensive guide to the interpretation and application of the WTO agreements by the Appellate Body, dispute settlement panels and other WTO bodies.
WTO争端解决机制 - 百度百科
WTO《关于争端解决规则和程序的谅解协定》(Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Dispute,以下简称DSU)第10条第2款对“第三方”作出了简单的定义,即“对专家组审议的事项有实质利益(substantial interest),且已将其利益通知DSB的成员”,据 …
Panel: Dispute Settlement System of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
2020年7月7日 · This entry in the Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law, titled Panel: Dispute Settlement System of the World Trade Organization (WTO), comprehensively covers all aspects of...
WTO争端解决机制介绍 - 知乎专栏
WTO 的争端解决机制主要包括两个阶段: 专家组 阶段(Panel Stage)和上诉审查阶段(Appellate Review)。 专家组由独立的专家个人构成,目的在于调查是否存在违反WTO规定的情形,出具调查报告。
WorldTradeLaw.net offers a free library of current trade news and resources, as well as a subscription service (the DSC Service), which provides summary and analysis of all WTO reports and arbitrations; a current keyword index; a database of dispute settlement tables and statistics; and a user-friendly search tool for WTO cases, legal texts ...
What is the function of the WTO dispute settlement panel?
A WTO Dispute Settlement Panel is an ad-hoc collection of three (or five, in some cases) experts who are assembled to adjudicate over a trade dispute involving at least two member nations of the World Trade Organization.
Panel & Appellate Body Reports; Arbitration Decisions & Awards ...
2024年11月5日 · Produced by the Legal Affairs Division of the WTO's Secretariat, this comprehensive guide to the interpretation and application of the WTO agreements contains extracts or summaries of key findings from thousands of pagers of WTO jurisprudence, including panel reports, Appellate Body reports, Article 21.3 (c) awards, and Article 22.8 decisions.