Learning Management System - Wayamba University
Welcome to the Learning Management System (LMS) of Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya. This provides self learning environment to university internal and external undergraduate students, Postgraduate students, Diploma courses and Certificate courses.
Wayamba University eLG (FAPM)
e-Learning Gateway of Wayamba University - Makandura Premises is a modern platform for both lecturers and students to provide virtual learning environment. For any information regarding e-Learning Gateway please contact eLG Administrator of Wayamba University - …
MyCanvas | Washington University in St. Louis
WashU MyCanvas is the primary instance of Canvas for Washington University in St. Louis. Canvas offers technical support 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to all faculty, staff, and students. Click the Help button from the main menu in Canvas to …
Faculty of Applied Sciences
2024年10月30日 · The Faculty of Applied Sciences of the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka was established with effect from 01st October, 1999 by the Government Notification in the Extraordinary Gazette No. 1093/8 of Tuesday, 17 August, 1999.
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
WUSL CONFERENCES & SYMPOSIA. Wayamba International Conference (WinC) Agricultural Research Symposium (AGRES) Applied Science Business and Industrial Research Symposium (ASBIRES) Undergraduate Research Symposium (UReS) WUSL STAFF PUBLICATIONS. WUSL Staff Publications; University Life. CENTRES / UNITS. Career Guidance Unit (CGU) Physical ...
WYB-LMS: Course categories - ac
WYB-LMS. You are not logged in. Home. Learning Management System - Wayamba University. Home; Courses; Search courses Go. Expand all. Faculty of Applied Sciences. Faculty of Business Studies and Finance. Faculty of Technology. Faculty of Medicine. ICT Center. Staff Development Center. University Business Linkage. UTEL.
eLearning Gateway (eLG) i.e. the Learning Management System (LMS) to the Wayamba university students. This eLG has been setup based on the existing open source LMS technology called MOODLE (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment). This document will be improved with the addition of guidance for more
Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management - WUSL
2024年11月5日 · The Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management offers two degree programs, the Bachelor of Science Honours (Agriculture) and Bachelor of Biosystems Technology Honours. Additionally, an External Degree in Agriculture and Plantation Management, and a Master in Agri Enterprise Technology Management (M.AETM) is offered by the Faculty.
eLG-FLFN: Course categories - ac
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Wayamba University eLG (FAPM) : Search - ac
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