In 2019, Women’s World Banking published three in-depth research reports on social commerce entrepreneurs, unlocking credit for women-owned enterprises in South East Asia, and the important of Government-to-person
Our Financials - Women's World Banking
Donate today and help build a future where women thrive, businesses grow, and economies prosper. Across the globe, nearly 1 billion women remain underserved by the financial sector. For more than 40 years, Women’s World Banking has championed women’s financial inclusion and economic empowerment.
OSCE-wide Counter-Terrorism Conference 2019 - WwB
Women without Borders (WwB) Founder and Executive Director Dr. Edit Schlaffer attends the OSCE-wide Counter-Terrorism Conference in Bratislava. The conference convenes policymakers, practitioners, academic experts, and law enforcement to ‘take stock of efforts to prevent and counter terrorism as well as violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism (VERLT) in the OSCE area ...
DLD Munich Conference 2019 | Women without Borders | WwB
Women without Borders (WwB) Founder and Executive Director Dr. Edit Schlaffer participates in DLD Munich 2019, a three-day conference that featured tech entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, journalists, and changemakers. The theme for the conference was ‘Optimism and Courage’.
WWB 2019 - YouTube
WWB 2019
Bangladesh | Impact Report | Women without Borders | WwB
Between 2018 and 2019, WwB brought its ‘MotherSchools: Parenting for Peace’ Model to Bangladesh. MotherSchools programmes were implemented in three districts across Dhaka that were considered vulnerable to violent extremism.
Het bureau WWb beantwoordt vragen van de aangesloten leden over de interpretatie van de cao, (individueel) advies en ondersteunt leden op gebied van arbeidswetgeving, pensioen, functiewaardering en sociale zekerheid;
国际义工招募 | 8国可选!包住宿、拿证书,免费名额发放!世界那 …
2019年10月31日 · 出走世界(World Without Borders/WWB)是由中国在校大学生于2014年发起并创立的义工旅行平台,致力于为参与者提供多样的义工旅行线路和全程有保障的出行服务。
“World Without Borders” continued its course aimed at helping the children with disabilities, living in the house-boarding institutions, as well as adolescents in conflict with the law, including those located in the closed-type institutions.
2020年12月31日 · Women’s World Banking, Inc. (WWB) is an international nonprofit organization that designs and invests in market-driven financial solutions, institutions, and policy environments in emerging markets to create greater economic stability and prosperity for women, their families, and their communities.