The WWCP has been approved by the Department as a comprehensive, goal-oriented curriculum to comply with the requirements of WAC 296-15-360 for those individuals seeking or required to hold the state claims handler certification.
Washington Self-Insurers Association
Check out our new WWCP comprehensive curriculum! We have completely redesigned the Washington Workers' Compensation Professional designation into a 72-hour comprehensive, goal-oriented curriculum leading to the WWCP designation.
WWCP Faculty
WWCP sessions are taught by a selection of these and other volunteer faculty selected for their experience and knowledge of the Washington workers' compensation system: Krishna Balasubramani Krishna Balasubramani joined SBH Legal in 1996 and became a partner in 2000.
Managing RTW & Vocational Recovery Outcomes 2025
2025年3月20日 · Upon completion of all eight WWCP sessions (72-hours) and required coursework, participants will receive a certificate of completion. Starting July 1, 2022, this certificate will be required for application to take the new Self-insurance Claims Administrator Examination administered by the Department of Labor and Industries.
The WWCP On-Demand Courses - wsiassn.org
The WWCP: The Department-Approved, Comprehensive Goal-Oriented Curriculum The WWCP constitutes 72 hours of instruction culminating in an examination which tests competency of the concepts covered in the curriculum and upon successful completion of which the WWCP is …
Requirements for Maintaining the WWCP Designation
WWCP designees who wish to obtain credits for classes/programs outside WSIA may submit a timed agenda, clearly explaining the topics covered, for review and credit award. These may be emailed to the Training Coordinator.
WWCP Code of Ethics
WWCPs should honor the integrity of the WWCP designation and respect the limitations placed on its use. WWCPs will not make unfair comparisons between a person who holds the WWCP designation and one who does not.
Workers' Comp 101: Industrial Insurance & Work Disability …
2024年10月10日 · Credits Available/Pending: WWCP, 6.5 credits | Dept L&I, 6.5 claims management credits | SHRM, 6.5 credits. Upon completion of all eight WWCP sessions (72-hours) and required coursework, participants will receive a certificate of completion.
Current WWCP Designees
Current WWCP Designees WSIA would like to recognize the following people for having successfully completed WWCP Designation Program and for maintaining their designation by meeting the continuing education requirements.
Complex Claims Management On Demand
As a condition of Labor & Industries approval for on-demand/self-study courses to satisfy the requirements of WAC 296-15-350 and 360 for state certification, we are required to have on-demand/self-study WWCP participants who intend to sit for the state certification exam complete an attestation form for each course in the curriculum verifying ...