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Creating Independent Watch Apps WWDC 2019. Title: 219 Created Date: 20190606021404Z ...
参加 WWDC 有什么攻略吗? - 知乎
在此次 WWDC 开发者大会上,苹果预计会给旗下全平台的操作系统带来一次大版本更新,包括 iOS、macOS、tvOS 和 watchOS。 WWDC,全称是“ Worldwide Developers Conference ”,即苹果全球开发者大会;是苹果每年三次发布会(春季新品发布会、全球开发者大会、秋季新品发布 ...
WWDC19 - Videos - Apple Developer
Learn how your app can support per-app language settings in iOS 13. Get the details on localizing assets with asset catalogs and simplifying your localization workflow with Xcode 11. Understand how to generate screenshots in multiple languages for localization and testing. CarPlay is a smarter, safer way to use your iPhone in the car.
iOS 内存管理研究 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
使用 ImageIO 解码 + 后台线程执行是 WWDC(18 session 219) 推荐的做法。 ImageIO 功能很强大,但是不支持 webp AsyncDisplayKit 的一大思想是拿空间换时间,换取流畅的性能,但是内存开销会比 UIKit 高。
WWDC 2018:iOS 内存深入研究对于我们的 App 所依赖的设备而 …
2018年6月16日 · 图片为什么会占用这么大的内存呢,这还要从图片在 iOS 上显示的原理说起,具体可移步到 WWDC 2018 Session 219:Image and Graphics Best Practices,也可以直接阅读小伙伴前几天刚发布的文章 WWDC2018 图像最佳实践
219: WWDC 2021 - Under the Radar | 小宇宙 - 听播客,上小宇宙
The second digital-only WWDC, how iOS 15 and watchOS 8 impact our apps, and what we'll be tackling first this summer. This episode of Under the Radar is sponsored by: Pingdom : Start monitoring your website performance and availability today, and get instant alerts when an outage occurs or a site transaction fails.
WWDC 2020 Session Notes
You don't have the time to watch all the WWDC session videos yourself? No problem me and many contributors extracted the gist for you 🥳 License
Full Transcript: Tim Cook at Apple WWDC 2019 Keynote
2019年6月15日 · Following is the full transcript of the entire Apple WWDC 2019 Keynote Event. Apple CEO Tim Cook and the team addressed the iPhone maker’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference at San Jose Convention Center, California. This event occurred on Monday, June 3, 2019. Speakers at the event: Tim Cook – CEO, Apple Inc.
WWDC17 - Videos - Apple Developer
Learn how to design your CarPlay system to connect wirelessly to iPhone. Understand hardware requirements, best practices for a great user... Developing Wireless CarPlay Systems Wireless CarPlay is perfect for any trip. Get in your car without taking your iPhone out of your bag or pocket, and start experiencing CarPlay effortlessly.
苹果WWDC2018 建立流畅的交互(Fluid Interfaces) - CSDN博客
本文详细介绍了苹果WWDC2018上提出的“流畅的交互设计”理念,包括iPhone X的手势交互。 文章通过8个交互实例,如计算器按钮、弹性动画、3D Touch闪光按钮等,探讨如何实现快速、平滑、自然的用户体验。 流畅的交互设计提高了用户对App的掌控感和信任度,但实现起来具有挑战性。 在WWDC2018上,苹果设计师提出了一个关于“流畅的交互设计”的话题,解释了iPhone X手势交互 (gestural interface)背后的设计理念. 苹果WWDC2018“流畅的交互设计” 这个话题提供了 …