WW&F Roundhouse Fire - Wiscasset, Waterville and Farmington …
2008年12月3日 · Not that I have any real say in it. One way to prevent a fire is to never put a hot engine in the house. Dump the fire first. A banked engine is much easier to get going in the morning but with the small size of the WWF's motive power starting from scratch is no big deal.
My Dream for WWF would to be recover 1or2 Baldwin 2-6-0 from …
2016年5月4日 · W.W.&F. Discussion Forum » ; Worldwide Narrow Gauges » ; Two Footers outside of the US » ; My Dream for WWF would to be recover 1or2 Baldwin 2-6-0 from Brazil
Edaville Equipment Roster, Ex-WWF/B&SR Flatcars?
2018年12月1日 · There's one bit on information listed that states that flatcars 30-33 were Ex-WWF;B&SR. Could this be a typo or did Edaville actually obtain flatcars from the WWF, possibly through the B&SR? Also note the last line on the paper stating that 8 other flatcars and 1 boxcar were dismantled and stored for future use.
ROW owned by WWF Ry museum
2018年2月7日 · Hi, Apologies if this has been asked and answered before. I did not see an answer in my searches. I have read where the organization owns about 60% of the right of way from Albion to Wiscasset in various "chunks".
AMTRAK to meet WWF at Waterville? - forum.wwfry.org
2009年2月13日 · LOL! Sad, but true... but maybe not! After all, Maine Eastern is already THERE! The REAL question is, can we get to Wiscassett before Amtrak can meet Maine Eastern in Brunswick?
Return to WWF website - forum.wwfry.org
2009年1月21日 · Return to WWF website has been converted from the pre-July 2008 WW&F Discussion Forum. Some formatting may have been removed or modified from the original postings that appear quoted in this topic. Information contained within this post may be superseded by more recent postings and conversations.
AMTRAK to meet WWF at Waterville? - forum.wwfry.org
2009年2月12日 · Re: AMTRAK to meet WWF at Waterville? « Reply #1 on: February 09, 2009, 10:08:42 AM » A more realistic goal is extending toward Wiscasset and having a joint station with the Maine Eastern, who will meet Amtrak in Brunswick.
Albion Station Plans - Wiscasset, Waterville and Farmington Railway
2020年8月27日 · I'm looking to find plans for the Albion Station to build a model of it. I hope this is the right place to post thei.
Finding the WW&F on Facebook
2014年5月5日 · We are now one month into posting photos from the early days of the museum on the WW&F facebook page.
Albion Station Activity
2016年12月21日 · Folks, i hope this is a good place to ask this question. There is a Plymouth gas locomotive with 36 in gauge wheels in the station yard.