7 Reasons Why BTS’ Jin Truly Is Worldwide Handsome
2020年5月31日 · Jin rose to stardom when BTS debuted in 2013, and their fanbase just grew exponentially as the seven-strong took over the world with their international debut in 2017. Topping the charts with...
BTS's Jin Shares The Origins Of His "Worldwide Handsome" Title
2017年12月10日 · BTS member Jin has revealed the roots of his nickname “worldwide handsome” and how it came to be. At a press conference for the “2017 BTS Live Trilogy Episode III The Wings Tour The Final”...
It's How BTS Jin Proves Himself As Real life "Worldwide Handsome" - allkpop
2019年7月6日 · BTS Kim Seokjin first entered the top 10 list of the best ‘Sculpted face in the World’ in December 2018 by Czech doll designers. After receiving a total of 1,504,602 public votes for top10...
BTS Jin I'm Worldwide Handsome Lyrics [Color Coded]
BTS Jin yeah I'm Worldwide Handsome Lyrics It's *Yeah my face handsome (jeonun jeonmal) handsome* thank you for correcting me Song from:@bangtans_girl_d7 (T...
BTS’s Jin Opens Up About How He Responds To Hate And …
2024年11月5日 · BTS ‘s Jin revealed how he handles it. Recently, he guested on Episode 64 of Jang Do Yeon ‘s Salon Drip 2 to promote his upcoming solo album HAPPY. She asked him if she could call him “WWH” (Worldwide Handsome), to which he consented. She wasn’t aware he was the one who originated the nickname from the start!
ジンさん(WWH)最新インタビュー公開!ジンさんらしさが溢 …
2024年8月27日 · Harper’s BAZAAR Koreaの公式YouTubeチャンネルにて、「バザーに降臨したワールドワイドハンサム (WWH)だよ〜いいね! 」というタイトルの、ジンさんのコンテンツが公開されました🐹. この映像では、 ジンさんがさまざまな質問に答えていて、どれもジンさんらしさ全開 でした🙂. ジンさんが気になる質問に回答! 「2024 パリオリンピック」の聖火リレー走者になった経験について聞かれたジンさんは、 「フランスのファンの方が『軍隊の1年半を …
Why is Jin from BTS called 'Worldwide Handsome'? - YAAY
2021年1月7日 · Young, handsome and rich? People say there is no such combination, but Kim Seokjin denies it! The 5'10" tall idol from BTS is a true definition of this, as he is worldwide famous for his breathtaking visuals. Along with an amazing vocal range, Jin touches the heart of the fans with his splendid looks as well.
BTS Jin’s Iconic Worldwide Handsome Moments - allkpop
2022年8月2日 · Here are some of the most iconic worldwide handsome moments! 1. The Car Door Man: Of course, the most iconic handsome moment of all was back in 2015. Upon Jin getting out of the car, everyone went...
世界中で快進撃を続けるbts(防弾少年団)。 12月4日のジン(JIN)の誕生日を記念して、整形外科医も認めたという“WWH(ワールドワイドハンサム)”な彼のイケメンぶりがわかる写真を、たっぷりアルバムでお届け。
[公告] WWH in the SEOM Weverse直播纪念活动重新通知
与Jin一起的BTS Island直播活动<WWH in the SEOM> 在BTS亲自参与开发的三消益智游戏<BTS Island: In the SEOM>中,与Jin一起在活动广场畅享活动乐趣! [直播日程] 2025年3月10日(星期一)下午8点(KST) [直播平台] Weverse - APP、WEB、TV APP [直播特别环节预告] Weverse直 …
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