Where Can I Point My Browser To Hear NIST/WWV?
2020年4月29日 · From the west coast of the USA, I like the KFSKiwiSDR for WWV/WWVH on 10 MHz (though it is sometimes at capacity for number of users). There is an unknown time delay associated with the SDR demodulation and streaming audio, so it’s not the best if you really need to listen for accurate time transfer; but the announcements come through clearly ...
WWV - Best portable radio to listen? - RadioReference.com Forums
2022年12月16日 · Howdy, Years ago my dad had a portable SW radio that would pickup the WWV time signal in Ft. Collins, CO. I believe we used to get it around 10 MHz here in NY. Now that I have gotten back into clocks and clock repair, the 'beat' that is on there is a good thing to use to set clocks in beat...
WWV TRF Receivers - RadioReference.com Forums
2020年8月7日 · Due to doppler shift the WWV TRF receiver accuracy is typically +/- 0.2 Hz or better during the middle of the day when the ionosphere is most stable versus at sunrise or sunset.
WWV on 25.00 MHz - RadioReference.com Forums
2014年4月13日 · WWV silenced its 25 MHz signal in 1977, but it’s back on the air “for old times’ sake” — officially on an “experimental basis.” Resurrecting the long-dormant standard time outlet operated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was Matt Deutch, N0RGT, the Lead Electrical Engineer at WWV.
WWV - RadioReference.com Forums
2020年11月30日 · The audio portions of the WWV and WWVH broadcasts can also be heard by telephone. The time announcements are normally delayed by less than 30 ms when using land lines from within the continental United States, and the stability (delay variation) is …
Female voice on 10MHz time signal | RadioReference.com Forums
2010年3月1日 · With a male voice on WWV and a female voice on WWVH it makes it pretty easy to identify which one (or both, as you found out) are being heard. They also stagger the voice announcements (as much as possible anyway) to prevent the announcements from being harder to understand if both signals are strong and both were to talk at the same time.
Shortwave Listening Guide | RadioReference.com Forums
2008年12月20日 · 9995 to 10005 kHz: This is set aside for standard time and frequency stations, like WWV and WWVH on 10000 kHz. 10005 to 10100 kHz: This range is used for aeronautical communications. 10100 to 10150 kHz: This is the 30-meter ham radio band. Because it is so narrow, operation here is restricted to CW and RTTY.
Yaesu FT-101EE - RadioReference.com Forums
2012年3月20日 · All models also included a “JJY/WWV” position that tuned the 10000 to 10500 range. On all rigs the 11, AUX, and JJY/WWV positions were receive only, no transmitter operation. The original FT-101 model did not include a switch position for 160 meters (instead it had both an “11” and an “AUX” , but from the B ...
SDS100/SDS200: SDS-100 clock question - RadioReference.com …
2023年5月4日 · Absolutely, you would think! What I do is match up both the 100 and 200 with my cell phone, and WWV. They're actually the same. I would guess so. Go figure, I leave my SDS 200 on 24 hours a day, why not, I do disconnect the 100 and work off battery power and of course, it's going to lose accuracy on the clock.
Kenwood: How to calibrate & zero beat without signal marker TS …
2016年1月18日 · The Kenwood TS-520 has an internal crystal calibrator that generates markers. As with nearly all receivers, the calibration can be checked against WWV transmissions. The procedures to do this are explained in Sections 4.4 and 4.5 of the TS-520 manual, available from many Internet sources.