37604 - WX58JXN – First Bristol, Bath & the West - bustimes.org
37604 WX58 JXN. Type Volvo B9TL Wright Eclipse Gemini Edit; History; Flickr; Track this bus ... ← 37603 - WX58 JXM. 37605 - WX58 JXO → ...
37610 - WX58JXU – First Bristol, Bath & the West - bustimes.org
37610 WX58 JXU. Type Volvo B9TL Wright Eclipse Gemini Features USB-A. Edit; History; Flickr
First Bus Bristol WX58 JXN v Cyclist - YouTube
The standard of bus drivers in Bristol can be good but it can also be very poor!
37614 - WX58JXZ – First Bristol, Bath & the West - bustimes.org
37614 WX58 JXZ. Type Volvo B9TL Wright Eclipse Gemini Edit; History; Flickr
First Bristol 37608 WX58 JXS - YouTube
Here we see a journey on B9TL 37608 WX58 JXS seen on route 75 to Cribbs Causeway.
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WX58 JXU - buslists.uk
Type: Volvo B9TL/Wright Eclipse Gemini Operator: First West of England Fleet number: 37610 Depot: Wells Status: Active - passenger use Livery: Mendip Xplorer
37613 / WX58 JXY | First West of England (First Bristol) Wri ... - Flickr
2021年8月28日 · First West of England (First Bristol) Wright Eclipse Gemini / Volvo B9TL 37613 (WX58 JXY), based at Lawrence Hill and wearing the Citylines Purple route 3/4 branding, is seen on St Augustine's Parade, Bristol, working a route 3 to Cribbs Causeway 28/08/2021
- 查看次数: 724
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