Wyd Lad - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki
What am I making? A traditional Nu Mou potion. Like most of our concoctions, the key ingredient is mushroom spores. As we once did with the Voeburtites, we hope to have friendly relations …
The Elder's Answer - Quest Guide - Final Fantasy XIV Guide - Thonky.com
2023年1月10日 · Talk to Wyd Lad in Il Mheg to begin the quest. Go east to the quest icon on the map and talk to Wyd Aenc. There will be a cutscene. Leave the cave and go east to where the orange arrow is pointing in the minimap. Attune to the Aetheryte, then go just east of the center of the orange circle and check on the Enormous Amaro. Say "Seto!"
The Elder's Answer - Gamer Escape
Wyd Lad informs you that Elder Wyd Aenc has returned from deliberations and likely has tidings for you. You make your way to the inner cookfire of Pla Enni, where the elder awaits. Having thanked you for your patronage, Wyd Aenc gives you your answer regarding the stone scepter.
The Elder's Answer - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Wiki
The Elder's Answer is a level 73 main scenario quest. It is obtained in Il Mheg by speaking with Wyd Lad in Pla Enni. Wyd Lad looks a satisfied Nu Mou. Speak with Wyd Aenc. Speak with the enormous amaro. Say "Seto!" /pet Rispa. /pet Eo An. /pet Nimbus. Speak with Urianger. Patch 5.0 - Shadowbringers (28 Jun 2019): Added.
Eorzea Database: Wyd Lad | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
Patch Notes and Special Sites Updated - Official Community Site The Lodestone Update Notes Updated -. Server Status
The Lawless Ones - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (FFXIV) Wiki
The Lawless Ones is a level 73 main scenario quest. It is obtained in Il Mheg by speaking with Wyd Lad in Pla Enni. Wyd Lad's ears appear droopy even by Nu Mou standards. Speak with Minfilia...
Wyd Lad. Il Mheg X: 19.4 Y: 4.7 Data Requirements. Starting Class Not specified Class/Job Disciples of War or Magic Lv. 70 Grand Company Not specified Quest/Duty Not specified Reward. Experience????? Gil. 803 * Experience points awarded will vary depending upon your class or job level at the time of quest completion. ...
The Lawless Ones - Quest Guide - Final Fantasy XIV Guide - Thonky.com
2023年1月9日 · Go to the quest icon on the map and talk to Wyd Lad to hand over the Invisible Ink and complete the quest. You will receive three Aetheryte Tickets. After you complete the quest, talk to Wyd Lad to accept the next quest: The Elder's Answer. You have bestowed your patronage upon Ys Gyuf, who suggests that you speak to Wyd Lad next.
The Elder's Answer | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
The Elder's Answer is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Wyd Lad informs you that Elder Wyd Aenc has returned from deliberations and likely has tidings for you. You make your way to the inner cookfire of Pla Enni, where the elder awaits. Having thanked you for your patronage, Wyd Aenc...
A Stranger Fuath | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
A Stranger Fuath is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Deliver the pack of mushrooms to the tall Fuath. Deliver the alchemical concoction to Wyd Lad.