Vocabulary - The BFG
Whopps-whiffling means that someting is either wacky, insane, unrealistic, or just plain crazy. Seen in the picture, a boy is thinking of a man who is doing parkour and then jumping of a cliff into a lake. That would be a dopey thing to do because the nice, caring man could die. Then all the happiness would be removed from the man's lively family.
Gobblefunk Glossary: A look at Dah's Wonderful, Wacky Words
2016年7月1日 · We have rounded up some of our favorite Roald Dahl words for our Gobblefunk Glossary. Also, download a free Gobblefunk wordsearch!
Roald Dahl dictionary: 10 of our favourite Gobblefunk words
2016年5月28日 · Check out some of Newsround's favourite Gobblefunk words and what they mean... Hopscotchy. This means cheerful! The BFG says that a few gulps of frobscottle (a fizzy drink) always make him feel...
What Is A Phizzwizard Dream? 'The BFG' Is Full Of Wacky Words
2016年7月5日 · According to Dahl, a phizzwizard dream is the cream of the crop — it's the best kind of dream a person can have. The BFG (ahem, that's the Big Friendly Giant for those who aren't familiar with...
The BFG Gobblefunk Glossary and Printable Word Search Puzzle
2016年6月29日 · To help you learn the ins and outs of Gobblefunk, we have a handy Gobblefunk Glossary explaining the English equivalents for each of the Gobblefunk words. You can print out the complete Gobblefunk Glossary here.
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Jinxy Kids
Gobblefunk is the language created by Roald Dahl to give the BFG his unique voice. It is comprised of silly words that are similar to words found in the English language and are used when ordinary words just won't do. The filmmakers were initially concerned that the words would make the characters' dialogue too confusing for
A Gobblefunk Glossary to go with Disney’s The BFG - Between Us …
2016年6月30日 · Gobblefunk is the language comprised of silly words that Roald Dahl created in his book The BFG to give the title character his unique voice. You didn’t really think a giant who is 24-feet tall with enormous ears and a keen sense of smell talked like you, did you?
Battle for Grandma | Obsolete Battle Show Wiki | Fandom
Battle for Grandma (abbreviated as BFG) was a semi-joke show created by SacriStuff. The show began on March 28th, 2020 and ran up until August 12, 2020 with its ninth episode. Battle for Grandma wasthe second object show Sacri ever made, the first being Calculated Battlegrounds.
The Giant's Word For A Fart In ‘The BFG’ Is Now In The ... - Romper
2016年7月1日 · Perhaps the most pervasive use of wacky wording is in The BFG. Gobblefunk, the language of the giants, isn't entirely mumbo jumbo; according to Entertainment Weekly, Dahl rooted his lexicon in...
Humanized versions of characters | Obsolete Battle Show Wiki
This article lists all of the humanized versions of characters that Sacri has created (mainly being characters from her object shows).